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My Ride - What Is A Phone?


"What is that noise coming from my pants?" asked the bewildered man who had awakened into a strange and frightening future.

Deciding that the speeding things on wheels weren't an immediate threat, he patted his side. Mike easily located the phone in his pocket. As he took it out, he accidentally answered the call.

"Hello? This is Appelt. I need you in the office in 45 minutes. Bring the signatures and other paperwork. Good job as usual last night, man!"

"Who is this? And where are you?" he asked, confused.

"Is this Larry?" asked Appelt, suddenly getting a very bad feeling.

""My name is Mike. A right pleasure to meet you, Sir." he replied, remembering his manners despite his fear and confusion.

"Where is Larry? And what are you doing with his phone?" asked Appelt.

"I don't rightly know. I just woke up here."

"Alright, where are you? I'll come and get you." offered Appelt. If this stranger had Larry's phone, maybe he had the briefcase too. That was totally unacceptable. There was too much riding on its contents.

"I don't rightly know where I am either. Like I told you, I just woke up like this. I sure would be obliged for a ride home, if you can help me."

"You are obviously confused. Check the gps on the phone, and let me know."

"I'm sorry, I don't know what those things are. What is a gips?"

"It tells you where you are. Just scroll through the phone." replied Appelt, growing impatient.

"What is a phone? You keep asking me about it, but I've never rightly seen one." he answered, more confused than ever.

Appelt sighed. "Listen... I'm going to call an ambulance. You obviously need help, and they are very good at helping people. They will track the phone once I tell them the situation. I'll meet you at the hospital, and you can give me Larry's phone, and anything else you might have which belongs to him. I'll see that he gets it. Just stay right where you are."

"Why thank you so much! Do you reckon those folks can give me a ride home?"

"I'm certain of it." he replied before promptly hanging up.

"I sure do admire that fellow. So willing to go out of his way to help a stranger." Mused Mike. He got back into the car, but wisely decided not to touch anything.

Minutes later, an ambulance and a squad car arrived. After some rather confusing questions, he asked one of his own.

"Can you folks take me home? Some fellow named Appelt said you could."

"Do you know where you live, Sir?"

"Of course. I live on my farm, three miles east of Deersberg. I'll be mighty obliged if you can help me."

One of the EMTs checked his phone. He then consulted with the police officer. Neither of them had ever heard of Deersberg, and it wasn't on Google Maps. He was loaded into the ambulance, and it raced down the highway.

"Larry! Am I glad to see you! Who is this Mike you let borrow your phone? He was talking like a crazy man!" exclaimed an older man just inside the door, as Mike was escorted into a massive building. He was being pushed in a chair on four wheels, even though his legs were fine.

"I'm Mike. I've never met Larry. And you sound a lot like the person who was talking from that little thing. What did you call it?"

"Hello, are you his next of kin?" asked one of the emergency workers.

"No, I'm his employer. I'm the one who called you. Did he have an accident?"

"We can't find any apparent injuries, but we won't know what happened until a doctor can see him. He's obviously very disoriented."

"Where is his car? He had some very important documents with him, and I need access to them, ASAP."

"The police empounded the vehicle, Sir."

Appelt swore under his breath, and began to sweat. This was bad, very very bad...

"Thanks again for everything you've done! I sure do admire a man who is willing to go out of his way to help his fellow man!" Called out Mike as he was rolled away.

Meanwhile, Larry was back at the farm. Doc Tripper hadn't been able to find anything physically wrong, so encouraged him to try to relax. His memories could return at any time.

He grimaced. It was a good idea, except that he already had a full set of memories. From another time and place...

He decided to take a walk through the corn field. It wasn't too high yet, and the day was picture perfect.

"Mike! Can you please come here for a few minutes?" a female voice called out.

"Sure, Julie! What's up?"

"Davy is here, all the way from Wisconsin!"

"I wonder who Davy is..." he pondered, a little sadly. The poor guy was in for a big disappointment.

When he approached the house, his knees almost buckled. There stood his best friend, Blake! They had been best friends since childhood, and were still close.

@indayclara here's the story, thanks so much for being patient :)

If you would like to read my first part, click here

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