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Exploring around the Singhu River

On the way back from Boga Lake to Ruma Bazar, we made a small detour even though we weren't allowed by the army. For me it was the highlight of my trip as I got to witness stunning nature and the authentic way tribes are living in the Bengali hill tracts!

Rijuk Waterfall

The best way to get to this waterfall is by a small dinghi on the Singhu River. Upon arriving there you see the waterfall right from the river. The water is fresh so you can drink it if you want. The tribal people have set up a small sort of cafe closeby. Like a little hut where you can have some tea. I absolutely loved this experience, and through my guide was able to connect with some of the people living in the area!

My rating: 9/10

Ruma Char Para Ghat

From here you can get a small dinghi and can explore places around the Singhu River. You will pass a small tribal village along the way. Whilst Bangladesh is a Muslim country a lot of the tribal people are either Buddhist or Christian (Buddhist in this case). The village really reflects tribal life well. They had a tiny temple, more like a hut with some relics, this was in stark contrast with what I had seen in Thailand before and I absolutely loved it. In this particular village they also cultivate some form of tobacco, which was interesting to see!

My rating: 10/10

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