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A New Service Has started: I Can Offer Coin Statistics, i.e. $BEER

Hello everyone,

it is a great pleasure for me to introduce my new service to you: I can offer some statistics for any traded Hive-coin.

This post is an example for the $BEER coin.
I only have data since 26.April (for BEER) so my statistics start from that point and is therefore valid for the last 4 days. But it is a beginning.
Here we go:

Beer Statistics

Bought $BEER Per Time

This figure shows who has bought what amount of $BEER at which date:

Top 10 $BEER Buyers And Sellers

The inside of the chart shows the buyers of $BEER, sorted by the $HIVE they have spend. The outside shows the recipients of that $HIVE, the sellers of $BEER:

Commulated Amount Of Bought $BEER Per Person

This figure shows the top ten $BEER buyers, how much they got and how much $HIVE they spend for this. It is sorted by $HIVE, that was spent:
The winner is @detlev!!!

Table Of Top Ten $BEER Buyers

This table shows the top ten buyers, how much $HIVE they have spent, how much $BEER they have got for it and for what average price they got the $BEER. It is sorted by $HIVE:

BuyersSum of sold $HIVESum of bought $BEERAverage Price ($HIVE/$BEER)

Commulated amount of sold $BEER per person

This figure shows the top ten $BEER sellers, how much they gave and how much $HIVE they got for this. It is ordered by $BEER, that was sold. :


Table of top ten $BEER Sellers

This table shows the top ten sellers, sorted by $HIVE, how much $HIVE they got, how much $BEER they have spend for it and for what average price they got the $HIVE:

SellersSum of earned $HIVESum of sold $BEERAverage Price ($HIVE/$BEER)

Traded $BEER

These numbers show the sum of the traded $BEER and $HIVE in the last period. The average is calculated by counts of trades and not by volume:



All stats are without warranty.
They are taken from:

curl -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "find", "params": { "contract": "market", "table": "tradesHistory", "query": { "symbol": "BEER"}, "limit":1000, "offset": 0 }, "id": 1 }' 'https://api.hive-engine.com/rpc/contracts'

I have put them into logfiles and uploaded them to kibana, from which I took the screenshots.

Next Statistic Steps

These are my statistics so far.
@detlev: I hope you like it :-)
Please tell me what to change. I want to upload it weekly (for the next time).

@everyone: If you are also interested in statistics of your favorite coin, please write it into the comments. If you give me some good reasons (i.e. regular upvotes ;-)), I can do it.

In the next days I am goint to upload the monthly $CHARY stats as well.
In one (or more) of my next posts, I want to show you, how I created these stats. They are running now on a Raspberry Pi with Elasticsearch and Kibana. I tricket out the Logstash, as it doesn't work on my raspberry. I have learned a lot in the last weeks ;-)

I hope you liked it,

Achim Mertens

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