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Friday Fun Fest!!

It's Friday! Let's make some noise. This is awesome guys. Now we can start our Friday Fun Fest. Now hit my referral key down below and let's go:

My Referral

Check out my other posts and see how much progress I have made so far

How about being a rising star?
S5 Mozart: You have it on buying 12 packs for 100,000 starbits!
Open Mic Night & Mid Week Support Slot!
Busking with a License & Midweek Headline Slot!
Saturday Support!
Saturday Headlines!
Radio Interview!
Cold Pizza Slice & Red Lambo!
Radio Studio Session: Local Gig Circuit
Thursday highlights!!
Freaky Friday Fiesta
Hip Hip Hurray!! It's Sunday
Monday Funday
Taco Tuesday!!
Wednesday Addams paying a visit!
Thursday Thunder!!

First, I wanted to show you something.


These are the missions I have done so far.

So guys, today I'll be doing a mix of cards. So let's begin.

3 Card combo pack

Yes guys I have acquired another pack of combo cards. Say I have said before, this pack includes 3 cards; 2 common and 1 rare. Let's see, shall we?


Ooh, nice. I got a rubber dinghy and a french horn. That two common cards and an MPC-500-WS which is a rare one. So today I have included Rubber Dinghy on the list of cards I'll discuss, the other two later.

Vehicle : Rubber Dinghy


Rubber Dinghy is one of the worst vehicles to use in a river, lake, or other waterbeds. It’s made of rubber and it's very cheap and if you take your necessities with you then the odds of them being in the water in about 5 minutes is pretty high. Anyway, let's go out and start rowing it, what say? Do you want to put some equipment like your instruments or clothes on it? okay, let's pack a bag and off we go. Up and down and a 360-degree spin. Woah our things are drenched in water, man! Although the good thing is it gives you 10 fans, +1 luck, and 1 IM. Pretty low but useful. So Rockstar, I know it ain't much but it's a good dinghy for beginners.

“The cheapest way to get to an island and the most likely way to ruin your equipment!”

Instruments: Cheap Guitar


That Cheap Guitar ain't worse. No, it's not. Are you forgetting how many stage performances you gave with this in your hands? Okay, maybe one or two. Still, it's a good guitar alright?! The only good thing about this guitar is that it gives you +1 luck but it's still a great start. You can perform at a local pub and be an extra at some show. Good, am I right?

“Cheap rip off but it’ll get through one song before it needs returning!”

Instruments: RS-303 (Bass Line)


The RS-303 (Bass Line) Is a classic 1980 instrument that is not too good for musicians of this age. It's a synth for bass guitars. So, now you know what you can use it for! It helps you add some good bass to your music. So, folks you might wanna take a look at this old bad boy. Maybe mix the old with the new! It doesn't sound bad, now does it?

“Another classic from the 1980s. Add some bass to your beats!”

People: Female Rapper


Now, this is one skilled gurl I tell ya! Perhaps the next Nicki Minaj or Cardi B! What do you say? This Female Rapper is very skilled but doesn’t have too many fans. This rapper is a rare card. She has 50 fans but 200 skills! See, I told you, the next big celebrity she might be. Her IM is 3 and 4 luck! She is very swaggy. She is a swagger and she has moves like jagger. She may have fewer fans now but with her skills, luck, and IM, she is a keeper.

“Rap Battle Goddess no less,
Blessed with lyrical prowess,
Dare you put her to the test?
It could be a mess, ultimate stress!”

People: Male Rapper


From Kendrick Lamar to Eminem, Rap gods are his idol. He keeps practicing, sharpening his skills, this Male Rapper will be the next big thing very soon, The only difference between the Male Rapper and the Female Rapper is their gender. The Male Rapper sings unforgettable verses like unforgivable curses. He has 50 fans and 200 skill! So, he is very skilled but this guy sadly doesn’t have too many fans but he will get there one day. His IM is 3 and his luck is 4.

“Rap Battle Master, he’s faster,
Spittin’ words like a master blaster
But if he battles a Female Rapper
Will he blow right past her
Or end in disaster?”

Guys, let's welcome Mr. Bean to our Friday Fun Fest. He's had a rough week.



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