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The Dynamics Of The Web & How It Influences The Adoption Of Traditional Trades & Vocation


How many people could say they're gainful employed because of their degrees or profession in Nigeria? Not many who are in the trenches. The truth is, many people went through a technical vocation, learned a trade, started a business, or even got a skill set before their college education and this has actually been a source of their sustenance in place of their degrees.

Some who doesn't have the Financial backing of their parents would even go the extra mile at being creative in other to even earn extra money for themselves. Creativity is the newest methods of hustle to actually earn, and why is this?

A lot of people believe in first class degrees, their MSC's and their MASTERS, but these things are just authentication of one's passage of time through an institution and hardly proves one's ability to actually solve a real-time problem which in turn guarantees monetary rewards.

Thing is, until one can actually solve a particular problem, then they can earn money, but it's currently been simplified. If you're not a doctor perhaps, it's difficult to say your professional is constantly valid for over a long period of time. This means that the advent of science and technology is making it difficult for professions to stay relevant for over the course of a long time.

This is why people who choose to be dynamic in their provision of skills and solves diverse problems are the one's that would actually make money.

There are limits to education and these limits are there because the world isn't static, education might teach economics, but it wouldn't teach the scope or skills that are necessary to manage one's money to utilize it to the best of results. This is to say that we need creativity to actually solve problems as much as we need the technical know-how.

In the world currently, the richest people are actually the smartest people and not the most educated people. This is because being smart is an aspect of being creative. Creative people are mostly initiators, they make or pave the way for others.

However, nowadays, people are no longer interested in learning a vocation or a trade because it can be time-consuming, it might be a hit or miss that is, it might thrive, or it might not thrive, sometimes it might not actually be financially liberating and all these variables contributes to people not wanting to get some real-time skills anymore.

All Thanks to the good old internet, moving from web to web and providing people with substantial opportunities to actually better their lives. The carpentry that many could use years to learn in real-time can now be learned online, so this generally makes life easier on a grander scale and actually proves that people with the wits would eventually make more money than people with brawn alone, but, is there a downside to the life getting easier in all ramification?

Yes, there might be. Crypto for example is one aspect of technology that takes a giant leap and redefines the traditional process of making money, to the advantage of so many people. One of the reasons why crypto is controversial is because the technology is unbelievable.

Its capabilities aren't fathomable, and it's reach at the moment isn't predictable and the fact that it gives back means and power to the regular people is what makes it a problem to those who wish to keep controlling the wealth of the world. However, this isn't even the target of this post.

The skills' people actually garner from the web these days are unthinkable, a person with food cooking skills can start ah online course, own a channel online, build a fan base and compound on what they have. Many have become rich by just being social media radicals and enthusiasts

The Gains Of The Positive Aspect

A country like Nigeria for example, is struggling hard to adjust to these changes. We can't entirely say the internet has been all shades of beauty and this is because, there's been the positive and of course, the negative aspect. Many institutions in Nigeria especially financial institutions are keyed into these negative aspects, thereby crippling the reach of crypto in the lives of people in Nigeria.

In essence, crypto is being equated with fraudulence and this is simply because people who don't truly understand it, think it's money or wealth that shouldn't be trusted, but it's just because they're scared they cannot control it. The essence is, it makes people's lives easier on so many perspectives.

In reality, life will get easier, no matter how government or institutions would like to keep it hard. Eventually government will succumb to the dynamics of change and come to accept the "new reality". Going forward, people will eventually become smarter than understanding this inevitability will only make it faster.

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Living & Living Unintentionally (The Financial Repercussion)


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