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Dear John Wick...I Can Relate...

I've been staying in the shadows for a few days, keeping myself away from those jerks at Royal Reptile Studios. I made it into my apartment for a little to find my dog was a gonner. There was a note attached to the weapon used to create my little buddy's demise. Immediately, I LVL'd up to John Wick anger...



If you've never seen John Wick, I highly recommend you take a moment and watch that bad boy. You'll understand the plight I'm in. I'm enraged and that Justin guy has to pay! Reach out to @papacrusher and he might even have a review for you somewhere. Who cares!?!

They killed my dog!

I need someone to help me understand these wireframes so I can find Justin...Can anyone spot something on the image to let me know where I should go?



I found these in the back alley behind what looked to be some kinda purple crate. *Oh! It was a Psybercrate! I should have known. There were two NFTs still left inside. There was a little trail of blood close by...must have been a robbery gone bad.

I'm going to need all the help I can get. That Justin guy is pretty boss in the punch he packs! If I use a little bit of Twitchy and throw out a few Zips, I don't think he'll have a chance. Then my dog can rest in peace!

Little Chomper deserved a more dignified way to die.

Next time I see that guy, I'm going to release the Zips and watch his flesh fall from his bones. That ought to grab me a pretty large LVL bounty.

Word on the street is Justin goes by JBoss and tosses LVL from the sky pretty regularly near his compound. There's always masked up groups of slickers waiting eagerly for a little airdrop as they call them at The Discord. It's a pretty happening joint, if you ask me. I bet he's there now...

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Only 10.448% of Phase 1 LVL Allocation is still available

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