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Had a Rough Night...But I Finally Got Away...

You should never trust someone when they ask you to watch their baby stroller...

One moment I was lifting the baby blanket and the next I was inside a room with cinderblock walls and flickering lights. When I woke up, this guy named Justin walked over to me and punched me a couple times...



What the... as he punched me again. Fortunately, I didn't lose any teeth. He asked me how I got in his compound. I flipped him off with my eyes. Ok...maybe not with my eyes, but it was obvious I wasn't happy and I wasn't going to cooperate. He rattled on about how he'd seen my posts and how I'd shown off their secret assets.

Screw You! I told him. That's one for the team! When you're angry, mean words always makes you feel bigger. Well...he punched me again. Guess my smart mouth can really get me in trouble some times.

After a few hours of interrogation that seemed like a scene I had seen in several movies, I was left to rot. Fortunately, I am a former boy scout...I was able to get out of the knots. They'd messed with my face, but not my hands.

Just to spite that son of a ...I am releasing more NFTs that I found from the other day.


If you've been keeping up with the @psyberx account, you should have seen this one yesterday:


It is an NFT where you can release this robot and it finds the enemy's location within a certain distance for up to 25 seconds. Camper's gonna camp? That's fine...this will help me shoot the fish in the barrel...


Here's one you haven't seen yet...the H.A.R.E.

This one takes the E.Y.E. to a whole new LVL...literally! This one even surpasses the ability of most NFTs from being to stop its detection...muwahaha. I bet they never knew I was going to show you this bad boy!

I can't wait to use this. I know people like @papacrusher and @steemstreems will probably find a hole to climb into, hoping know one can see them...leaving their sniper barrels out to go fishing...

This one will find them for me. I'll walk up to the backside and play whack-a-mole like Justin did with my face!

Speaking of which, I better show you another one before they find my signal...

The Ooda Looper

Wow! This looks like a Jurassic Park-like release of bots that scour your body, in a good way, to destroy projectiles and shrapnel from explosives, forcing your body to heal faster.

I think this could come in handy. I think I might use this right now to bandage myself up from all that abuse drack I just experienced.

Next thing you know, they'll be coming back to get some more. I'll teach them! I'll be waiting. Next time my face hits his fist, I'm going to make it count!

Well, hey...I may have found some more info on the map of this place. I might get it to you next time I get an uplink, but for now, I hear someone coming, and I have a bad feeling about it. I'm going through a lot of trouble for you guys. Make it worth my while...grease the skids, toss a bone...you know...whatever. I could really use some Pizza and a Beer right now...

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