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We Wanted to Share Something Real...but Slightly *UnReal*...

Ok...it's a LOT UnReal.

In February, we let you know that things were going well and that we decided to hire 3D artists and that we would model our own world with even better graphics than what Unity offered. Just to explain a little...Unity allows people to build 3D worlds using their pre-built images/3D built assets. While we can appreciate Unity assets, we got rid of 100% of all Unity assets we had been using.

We've gone UnReal! In UnReal, we can create our own assets with the highest quality. The flexibility we have with UnReal is...well...UnReal

Look at this:

We are customizing all the images, objects, buildings, etc. We are building them and they are amazing! We are bringing you a gaming experience. Obviously, making the best graphics may take additional time.

We expect to see the map opening up to the Founders NFT holders in July...yes...We know that's just a couple weeks away. We do not have a set date yet, but once we do, we will be letting you know what the day is so you can get giddy as a school girl...as we all know school girls are giddy!



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