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Weekend Engagement - I Don't Understand...


"I don't understand people who..."

I feel like I might offend some people in this post, but I will try to share my views in an objective manner and who knows, it might trigger some interesting discussions within the comments and we all gain a better understanding of one another. So you have been "warned"! ;)

Here goes: I don't understand people who spend money to impress other people.

I think there are some people with this kind of mindset, where they feel that by wearing branded clothes or driving big cars, they would appear to others as being successful in life and it gives them an ego boost or something like that. I think this issue is further accentuated in this social media era, where people share their lives openly, it's not uncommon to see people sharing their extravagant lifestyles.

I thought I should clarify that I have no issues with how people are spending their money, because after all, it's their money. It's just that I never really understand why there is a need to do so.

  • Perhaps it's because everyone around them are doing it and they need to fit into their social circle?
  • Perhaps it's because people have looked down on them in the past and they now wanted to show these people that they were wrong? (I actually got this perspective from someone I know)

Personally, I feel that I am at a stage of life where I don't need to prove myself to anyone anymore. I rather have financial security than to have a higher maintenance lifestyle. I rather have friends who know me for who I am as a person, instead of how much money (they think) I have.

  • Perhaps they themselves associate success and happiness with material goods and presume everyone else would think like that as well?

If you ask me, I think everyone has a different definition of success and happiness. While some people might think that you need a certain amount of wealth and spending (such as how many holiday trips per year or how many properties one owns), some people find happiness and success in their own ways such as having a meaningful job (which might pay just average wages) and raising a happy family.

To sum up, I tend to align myself with simplicity in life. I still splurge occasionally on myself, but the main difference is it's always because I enjoy the goods or the experiences, and I would never do it to impress other people.

So that's all for my sharing (which I know can be rather unconventional at times). Hehe! If you have any thoughts to supplement this discussion or help me understand this perspective better, please let me know and I would greatly appreciate them! Thanks for reading and have a pleasant weekend ahead!

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