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The Deeper Side Of Temptation

Anna Nekrashevich

Mr Akinbode worked in a pension company.
He was a very rich and popular man. He was an accountant in the pension company, He was an honest man with integrity. Mr Akinbode is someone who everyone always runs to in times of distress and trouble. He has tactics on how to make peace with people and with two fighters.
He was a family man with three children and a lovely and caring wife. His children's names were Hadunni, Mojisola, and Timothy. His wife's name was Tina and she was a humble wife.

His wife suffered from a brain tumor which almost end her life but she was taken care of mutually which caused the family a lot of spending as well as depression. The family's wealth was running down because the treatment cost a lot of money which got Mr Akinbode worried. The family had to bear the challenges and pains.

Mr Akinbode never failed in his duties as he always remained an honest man. Mr Akinbode was alone in his office one-day thinking about the doctor's report on his wife's case and his children's fees. His thinking was because there was no money again. After all, his wife's sickness had drained his pocket. He still needs six (6) million for his wife's surgery and more money for his children's fees. He thought about Hadunni's wedding coming up in the next seven months as well as extending his thought to Mojisola and Timothy's university fees. He becomes very sorrowful and depressed.

When he got home from work, he was just stirring at his wife and did not know what to do. He began to think drastically which made him reject eating. The following day, his children were closed to resume back to school and so, he was just mute without saying a word to his children and wife. One fateful day, he needed to make a call through one of his friends who lived abroad to come to his rescue but in the end turned him down. He quickly remembered someone which he had trained in secondary school. This guy turned him down after giving him promises. He went home sad after saying or meeting up with lots of disappointment.

He got to work and saw someone who wanted to pay a huge amount of money and was just stirring as temptation was about to enter his mind. When the money was paid to the Bank, he was just as good as taking this money away. He was in the bank from that morning until night trying to ask himself whether to take away the money or not. Many thoughts came over him, but he later left the money behind since he has not done something so stupid in his life. My Akinbode was trying hard to think of other places to get money from, but all his efforts were to no avail.

One fateful day, he needed to go to one of the politicians to seek help from him. After getting to the politician's house, he was not allowed to enter the compound. He waited for more than four hours but all were to no avail.

Mr Akinbode went out to meet up with his close friend, shina to advise him about the challenges happening to him and also to borrow him some money. Shina advised and also told him that since he was an accounter, he could easily solve his problems himself. He told him everything he needs to do adding zero to an amount of money. Mr Akinbode thought about it and saw it as a wonderful idea. A day came and he saw an opportunity which he kinned into it. He felt that the job was successful. Unfortunately, he was caught and his friend denied him. This was how he was sent to jail. His wife heard the news and was thinking a lot about it. His children were depressed as their school fees were on hold.

His wife died a few weeks later that incident. His children Mojisola and Timothy have to drop out of school, and Hadunni's wedding ceremony was cancelled.

Mr Akinbote was sentenced to 20 years in imprisonment for hard labour. He cried after hearing the news of his wife's death. He regretted it because he allowed himself to be used and dragged into the mud. He blamed himself for falling into the temptation of his friend.

His children had to fend for themselves because of their father's mistake. life became so hard for them without their parents with them.

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