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How Did I Get Into This Mess? A Short Story.



Mikah sat confused, thinking long and hard who wanted to sabotage her relationship with her father.

Mikah's father had always expressed his displeasure about Mikah's cousins and their Christian doctrine. For this reason, he stopped Mikah from going to visit her cousins during the holidays.

On this particular holiday, Mikah had traveled directly to her cousins house to spend a few days before going home to her parents. She did this without her parent's knowledge.

Over at her cousins place, they were having a function in church - it was the youths week and her female cousins were going to be a part of the dance crew. Mikah loved to dance and couldn't resist joining the crew.

Three days later
Mikah sat in the living room with her cousins rewinding events of the youth week. Just then, her phone rang and she saw it was her dad. On picking the call "Mikah!" Came her dad's voice angrily... Mikah's heart began to pound heavily. "Y...es dad" she responded in a Shakey voice...

Apparently, someone had told her dad that she was seen in her cousins church and was part of a dancing crew and this made her dad call her with immediate effect threatening to beat the hell out of her when she returns.

The next day, Mikah walked into her parent's big compound and was welcomed by a grave silence. She turned the door knob open and stepped into the house, she quickly sneaked to her room to drop her luggages and prepare for the drama that would follow.

What would happen to her she didn't know
Who reported her to her dad she couldn't tell
She knew she was in a big mess and she had no lie to tell, this singular mistake of hers was a big one and would take quite a while to get her dad to forgive her.
She tiptoed to her parent's room praying she survives the moment.

The End!
Thank you for reading.


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