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Feast of Fury


On an unrepentant cold day as snow fell like icing on a cake, Mary looked longingly at her mug. The warm liquid in which she could see her reflection mocked her as the scent of chocolate wafted in the air.

"Mom, who's making hot chocolate? Doesn't everyone know I'm on a diet? It's bad enough that I'm stuck with this green tea."

"Your sister Elena is here."

Mary let out a long-drawn-out breath. She'd been hoping that her older sister didn't show up again for Christmas. She balled her fists and went into the kitchen to see Elena's svelte form bustling about making hot chocolate.

Mary looked at her round belly and swallowed.

"El, please don't have chocolate, I'm on a diet and I've made a resolution to lose weight so..."

Elena turned around and pursed her lips "It's Christmas Ty, do you want me to have vinegar?"

Mary ignored the use of her nickname Ty derived from fatty, "Everyone in the house agreed to support me. I don't know how you lost all that weight El but please let me get healthier."

Elena scoffed and looked at the snow falling from the windows. "I hope you don't lose weight like me."

"What a mean thing to say, I'm telling mom."

"Yeah, you do that while I make my hot chocolate, Ty where are the marshmallows, you know the small pink ones you like."


"I can't believe you two, is this how women in their thirties behave? Timeout for both of you."

Mary dreamt of the perfect plum cake, with spice that warms the body and sweet that warms the imagination. She woke up and inhaled the nutmeg scented air mixed with the heady aroma of a turkey being roasted. Just as the fragrance was casting its spell on her, she caught sight of the doctor's report asking her to control her weight to avoid risk of diabetes.

Why was mom making a feast when she'd agreed to a simple poached chicken dinner?

"Moooooom." she bellowed.

Her aunt, uncle, mom, dad, and cousins were gathered in her mom's tiny kitchen.

The dining table was staggering under the weight of two plum cakes, two types of stuffing, a potato bake, lasagna, and a giant dish waiting for a roast turkey.

"Why? Are you guys trying to kill me? I don’t have this much will power. I'd begged you to help me out."

"Darling, this is for El-"

"Oh, I should have guessed." Mary stormed off to find Elena.

"Did you ask mom to make a feast for you? The whole family's making food as if it's their last feats."

Elena turned around; her red-rimmed eyes barely able to hold her tears.

"It might be my last Ty; I hope the chemo works."

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