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The Last Of My Kind

Many years ago the elves, the fairies and humans lived together as one. Growing up I remember watching my parents sit under the moonlight telling stories With the fairies and the humans.


Among the three, Elves and fairies were so close that they did almost everything together. This was because both of them had certain supernatural powers. Fairies could fly and also had the ability to cast spells. Elves were extremely fast in running and they had a great sense of hearing. If they really put their mind to it they could here voices miles away.

As a kid I always had these dreams where I would step out of the house and see my mom crying. As I walked closer, I noticed that she was being tortured by the humans and the fairies stood by and watched. I never understood what the dream meant, and whenever I told my mother, she would assure me that it was merely a dream.


With time, The humans were becoming A bit jealous, not just because they didn't have any supernatural powers but mostly because they were left out in so many activities. They couldn't go hunting with the elves and fairies because they would speed off and fly away, leaving them behind. With this, the humans started searching for a way to become as powerful as the others or eliminate them if possible.

There was a witch from across the Great Sea, who has always hated the elves. When she heard of the human's plot, she met with them.

"I have what you need to eliminate the elves."

"What could that be?"

"I have the power to invoke a beast who feeds on elves. With this beast, the elves would be eliminated in a day."

The humans liked the idea, so they made a deal with the witch.

"I have only one wish." The witch said

"What could that be?"

"If we are successful with this, half of the elves treasures should be given to me."

"That is not A problem."


The humans agreed and they sealed the deal with some rituals incanted by the witch. While they were having this secret meeting in the woods, a fairy was lurking around in the trees listening to them. The fairy had no idea that the witch was fully aware of her presence.

"Show yourself little fairy." The witch commanded.

The fairy had no option but to fly out from hiding.

"Now listen carefully," the witch continued. "I'm glad you heard all we have planned, now go and tell your fellow fairies that if they wish to survive, they must standby and never interfere with whatever is about to happen. Failure to do as I say, the beast would be sent after faires as well."

The fairy, scared as hell flew off immediately and did as she was told.

"I thought you said that the beast only feeds on elves and not fairies."

The humans asked as the fairy left.

"Correct, that is what I said. But I had to put it that way to get the fairies on our side."

Few days later, I was sound asleep when I heard some strange sounds. I quickly woke up and walked towards the direction the noise came from. I stepped outside and saw my mother screaming in pain as a beast devoured her and some fairies flew around doing nothing.

"My dreams are coming to pass" I said to myself.

I ran towards my mother screaming, she Turned to me and said.

"Stay back! Run off To A far away land. I love you darling."

As she was speaking, I noticed the beast look towards my direction sniffing at me like he just perceived his favorite dish. I didn't wait for my mother to repeat herself, I turned around and ran as fast as an elf could run. I could still hear my mother moaning, until her voice finally ceased. As I ran, I saw dead elves scattered everywhere. I couldn't believe my eyes, it was like the end of the world, except it was only the elves that were meeting their end. I rested my head on a tree for a while, thinking of my next move.


To be safe, I needed to travel across the Great sea. Nobody has ever tried to travel across the great sea because of the scary stories we were told. How the other side was full of beast, witches and wizards. I remembered what my father always told me when He was still alive.

"If it ever gets to life and death situation, go to my grangpa's old cabin, take the boat there and sail across the Great sea."

As soon as this idea came to mind, I took off immediately. I got to the cabin, untied the boat and slowly dragged it to shore.


I looked back once more and realized that, I might be THE LAST OF MY KIND.

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