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The lone artist: The Inkwell Writing Prompt

Felix, a tall, thin, and beard man sat on the sofa beside the door in the living room with his fist locked to his jaw. On the wall were several portraits of lone humans and animals trying to find peace beside still waters. One could easily tell about his life watching his many artistic works. His attention was drawn back as one of the frames suspended on the wall hit the floor, he hissed, ignoring the fallen frame, then resumed the work he was doing earlier. Painting was what kept his spirit alive, he looked at the unfinished photo of the child he was drawing and it reminded him of his childhood. Felix lived in the outskirts of the town. He was raised and brought up in a small cottage that was surrounded by beautiful ornaments and streams that flowed throughout the seasons. He had no friends, no neighbors, his dad takes him to school and brings him back, his dad was his closest friend and he had learned art work from him.


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Everything began to crumble for him when his dad died, he was already 27. He had no friends nor family he could relate with, suddenly his artistic work that was always of laughter and joy started to become that of a lonely and deserted man. Only if he had made friends when he was growing up. He looked at a portrait he sketched of two hands that were separated by death, and another was of a young child who was happy in the arms of his dad. He grinned, his eyes grew red, he held onto the portrait closely to his chest and sobbed quietly. He needed a better life, and the first step to this new life was to leave his cottage and settle amidst people in the urban area and that means leaving behind everything he ever loved.

He turned back and looked at the cottage one more time, it was hard leaving behind everything. He packed his few belongings and some of his art works that reminded him of his happy days.

"I'm a lone artist, but now I leave that behind in search of happiness" he said to himself as he bid farewell to his childhood home that was now old, weeds growing round the small hut, occupied by the lonely him.

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