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The Booth. The Ink Well’s prompt 74 : lost


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The Booth

The day was perfectly bright. The sunlight painting shadows into chiselled relief against the brilliance. The trees looked greener, the daisies sparkled whiter and even the tarred road at the side of her path, glittered. A crisp breeze followed her, but it was invigoratingly pleasant. A good day for a walk.

She always enjoyed her Wednesday strolls and usually trod a well beaten track, but a dreadful accident blocked her path. A pedestrian had been knocked down, it seemed. Ambulances were wailing and a crowd of gore-mongers, gathering. She hoped that the situation wasn’t too serious, but she was not the type to stop and take a look. She had decided on a detour around the scene.

Unfamiliar houses, quaint shops and even a charming looking open air cafe with festive red and white umbrellas set up over artistically delicate wrought iron chairs, enlivened her view. She made a metal note to pay the cute place a visit on her way back.

It was such a sweet neighbourhood; she thought it quite crazy that she’d never set eyes on it before.

On the corner of the road, she turned into a wide avenue lined with massive weeping jacarandas, the pavement was gloriously shaded in hues of purple and soft petals carpeted the stones under her feet. Breathtakingly gorgeous, but she felt a slight shiver of unease rattle her when she realised how quiet everything was. Contemplating the stillness, she realised that she hadn’t seen another soul since she’d stepped into paradise.

Not a single person.

She faltered for a moment, unsure about going forward, but she shook herself out of her chills and laughed out loud at her silly fear.

An old fashioned red phone booth marked the edge of her path and she gasped in sheer delight. She almost tripped in her haste to investigate the relic from days gone by.

Why, she thought, I haven’t seen a pay phone in years, never mind one housed in a veritable antique booth with glass checkered panes and a stunning red triangular roof. What an amazing find. Her mind spun and she wished that she’d brought her mobile along so that she could take a few pictures for her blog. The booth, from the outside, anyway, didn’t show any wear and tear. It looked shiny and new.

The door opened easily and, to her delight, the ancient phone was still in place. She doubted if there were many others like it left anywhere in town.

Then a bell shrilled; a loud persistent sound. She looked around, confused, until she realised that the phone was making the noise. The phone was ringing.

Good lord, it was ringing.

There was really no choice in her mind, she understood, with a clarity of insight that confounded her, that the call was for her.


“I’m so glad that you’ve been found, Kelly.” The voice radiated at her down the line.

“But I wasn’t lost.” She retorted, but the caller had hung up.

She replaced the receiver and pushed open the door. She felt strangely calm, despite the weirdness.

She stepped out into the light, but it was blinding. She shaded her eyes with her hand so that she could see.

Thankfully, she saw people standing about, she wondered where they’d come from so suddenly; their faces were highlighted by the brilliance.

Strangely, the people looked familiar, like a long lost family.

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