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The Ink Well Prompt #67 : Milingo's love affair



Sometimes I wonder if it was by chance that I ended up in this home. I was happy on the street, with my friends. I was constantly doing whatever I wanted. When I was hungry, some charitable soul always gave me something to eat. I drank water everywhere. Once I was very dirty, they wanted to bathe me. Ah! I don't like that. I clean myself every day. My free spirit did not allow me to be locked up or to be taken hostage, until, a love affair led me to change my place ...... I went to the Adventurers' Square on Friday afternoon. There, different characters were gathered; some of them, with pedigree, had necklaces that identified their origin, they seemed to have escaped from their mansions. Others, all of them were the nouveau riche of the Miramar area; while we, the commoners, without distinctions or fixed stays. Among those rare characters was Tilinina. Oh! That lady captivated me from the first moment I saw her. Her fine manners, her swagger, her white coat and her blue eyes never seen in my life... It was love at first sight. Today I am making catharsis of my short existence.... they say that cats have seven lives, I only know two: the street and the Charaima Mansion.

I remember perfectly that day, October 12. My free soul went to snoop around a place unknown to me: Plaza de los Aventureros. The beautiful square, with its leafy trees, fragrant flowers and impeccable golden metal seats, was used by my congeners for their amorous escapades. They invited me to share their wanderings.....My ingenuity knows no bounds. I went thinking it would be a protocol thing. That day I had a very early morning shower. Then I took a nap on a gnawed cushion that a stranger kindly placed near the tree where I do my exercises. I was ready to leave with the others.

I, Milingo, that was the name I was given when I arrived at Charaima Mansion, as I was the youngest of the group I was given several suggestions:

-Don't fight
-Don't climb trees
-Don't sit on the benches
-No, no, no....

Everything was prohibitions but I accepted....

We arrived in droves, my friends already knew how to conduct themselves, I watched... I spotted that white fur in the distance. I approached timidly, I did not want to raise suspicions of my social class...When I saw those spectacular blue eyes I was breathless. I hid as best I could. Tilinina welcomed me. I have to point out that my tabby coat caught her attention, but she was an upturned cat. She had her place. We got to know each other ....

A month after that happy meeting, Tilinina would sneak out to see me. She already had a suitor, Luxor, an aggressive angora-bred character, whom she detested. And I also began to prowl Charaima Mansion at night. In the dark no one would recognize me. That's what I thought....

One hot summer night I went as usual to visit Tilinina. To my surprise her owner, Faustino, was comfortably seated in the soft fabric armchair outside the house. That armchair reminded Tilinina and me of our amorous encounters. When she saw me, her first action was to throw me out. I obeyed, but would return later. Again, I was kicked out. I would later learn that Faustino adored Luxor..... I continued to insist for a week. That's if I have it, I'm persevering.

One day I decided to go earlier. To my surprise I bumped into Macarena, the owner of Tilinina. She watched me carefully. I pondered for a while until....

-You're a very pretty cat. I've never seen you here before.

I think she liked my fur. He put food and water on me.

Oh! What a meal, mash for gods. I've never tasted anything like it before.

-If you come tomorrow I'll put you back on water and food. ....

I changed my visiting hours. Macarena suspected nothing. In the end she adopted me and I was happy....

I spent a spectacular month in Charaima Mansion until Luxor discovered us... There everything got complicated. The fights happened at night when Luxor claimed his territory. I dodged him but one night I confronted him..... I didn't know what awaited me. The refined Luxor brought a gang of aggressive syphrine cats. They attacked me mercilessly. I was full of wounds that caused me severe pain that, spread throughout my body. I never understood....I felt like the dagger of death was piercing me. The rain that day had been copious. The smell of damp earth still permeated the atmosphere. I climbed the stone stairs, I thought I would not make it. However, there was a light among so much darkness..... When Macarena saw me, she exclaimed:

-How horrible! What did those savages do to you?

She pulled me onto her lap. Tears were running down her cheeks. After seeing me, helpless and badly hurt, she ran to call the vet.

The vet arrived quickly. He examined me and prescribed medication and complete rest. Of course Macarena would comply mathematically.

There I understood that this was the home where I had to be and stay forever.

Milingo's love affair by María del Carmen Sánchez Copyright © 2022

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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