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"Smile!" The world through the eyes of the Mirror. (Inkwell prompt)


I stand there as usual, helpless as she stared at her reflection through me. With sad eyes, wishing she does not look the way she does. This has become a daily routine, after taking her bath in the morning she would always ruin her day and mine by feeding me a sight I'm never delighted to see.
I only show her what she wants to see, why does she break my heart with her countenance? Everyday she comes to stand in front of me, knowing fully well that she's going to feed me a sorrowful look.
Of course it's not just her, in my other outlets throughout the world 70 percent of those that stand before me are not pleased with what they see.
"Love yourself the way you are", why do humans not understand that?
Everyone one is unique in his/her own way, why do we set unreasonable standards for ourselves about what the perfect body is?
I'm tired! Of seeing anxious and unsatisfied faces every now and then. The beauty of the world is it's diversity. We all can't be thin, have average height, have perfect hair and whatever else you have defined as attractive. And the earlier we accept that fact the better for us.
You want to know what I want? I want to see delighted faces. Those that see themselves with appreciation, with uniqueness. I want to see you guys smile! Do you know how terrible it is for me being fed by your sulking faces?


My little advice for you..."don't accept anyone's definition of beauty. Define yours".
Change your perception,only then can you change how you see yourself.
I hope tomorrow will change. I do hope you will stand up and walk towards me majestically, spinning around excitedly, seeing yourself for who you are. I hope you will bounce outside like a 2 year old, with enviable confidence in what you are. You know how babies react in front of the mirror? It's always a pleasant sight to behold.


I hope my heart will no longer be broken when you stand in front of me, I can be joyful only when you are.
These are my little hopes, and I know it's something that can be made possible.
Thanks for listening to my woes and hopes. I pray things change, let the change begin with YOU.


Your beloved Mirror

All images from Pixabay.c

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