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Pastor Bradley Nathan was a powerful man of God who was famed for his healing, prophesizing and deliverance powers.


Every Sunday people from far amd near came to his church for the purpose of hearing his sermon for the day.

He did not disappoint because every Sunday, he preached a new topic to his congregation and even if he repeats a topic, his preaching would still be well received because of the way he preached.

He was a funny man and he loved to demonstrate some of his teachings to the public and that was what made his church ST BRADLEY'S a popular and well loved church.


One Sunday when it was time to deliver his sermon for the week, people cheered for him because they were expecting to be enriched and laugh at his jokes too.

He climbed up to the pulpit and after a while he ushered the standing congregation to take their seats, he then started

Good morning lovely people, today's topic is very simple and it is DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER, now we all know what giving thanks means but i will demonstrate something now.

He called out two young men who were seated in the front row, one of them was putting on a pair of dark sunglasses which hid his eye completely and he walked in a very funny way, he had dreads and looked like a thug while the other one walked normally and did not wear a sunglass, he wore a suit and looked clean and responsible.

The pastor asked the congregation

Between these two young men who looks like a thug and a criminal?

Everybody pointed to the thuggy looking young man without hesitation which made the pastor smile a bit.

This is exactly what i expected, the way we humans view ourselves based on appearance is quite astonishing and bad, what if i tell you that the thuggy looking young man is actually a CEO of a big company, and that this gently dressed young man is an employee working for the thuggy looking young man.

Let us change the way we view ourselves because it is very necessary and would save lives one day, just because a person is dresses like a responsible citizen and another dresses like a bad person doesn't mean that one is a successful person and the other a failure, instead of jumping to conclusions why not view those people with a magnifying lens instead of a microscopic lens so as to find out who the person actually is.


He went on and on and by the time he was done, the entire congregation rose to thier feet and gave him a thunderous applause, his words were truly eye opening and many people would practice what he had taught from that day onwards.


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