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So thirsty...

Around me all I feel is cold dry air.
I've got to get to a warm moist place or I will disintegrate.
I feel some heat energy radiating from the south east.
I've got to get in that area soon or I am a goner.

As I aim for that direction I hear a "whoosh" sound!!
I am stopped in my tracks, stunned.

It's like I was sucked in by a giant electron trap.
My whole body was shaking with electric voltage flowing through me...

I am about to burst.

Out of the fire into the frying pan

At just the right moment...
I was dropped from the trap
only to land in a large water reservoir.

As I splashed into the water I felt relief from some of the burns I had endured. The dryness was gone as I floated on the top of the pristine still water of the reservoir.

The reservoir was deep and expanded beyond what I could swim even if I had all day. There were no islands and there were no banks. Instead the reservoir was surrounded by white porcelain cliffs in all directions.

I was taken from this electric chair in the sky and dropped into an endless prison of water. What did I ever do to deserve this? I only wanted to find a meal and get some warmth to keep me alive through the night.

I was still starving and I could barely move but at least it wasn't dry in the reservoir. I could stand being tortured with electricity or even drowning in the reservoir but I could not stand the thought of myself dying of thirst.

That's the most pitiful demise for any creature.

As I moved and splashed in the water I heard an echo around me. It's almost as if... Oh my it was...

The sounds of gushing water.

The tranquil reservoir violently erupted and I begun to spin in the direction of the current. Luckily I knew how to hold my breath and remain calm. Still I drank more water than I had ever planned to. As I spun from one side of the reservoir to the other side in circles I looked around for any signs of life. I didn't see any other creature in the entire reservoir just endless walls of white porcelain.

I heard another giant swish or was this a swosh?
It was more of GULP!!
Swallowed up.
I was taken down deep pulled by an undercurrent from Hades or Titan.

This was beyond anything from our world. Around me was darkness everywhere without even a hint of light. I was not in space for every once and a while my head hit something metal. Although I was being rushed straight down with the water current I found air pockets and was able to breath. I got rushed down and then hit a bend and then another drop.

I expected another bend to come up and got ready for it. There enough it was and with it there was a sticky little island made of some gunky stuff and long gangly gook. I hung on to that long gangly gook for dear life and let the water pass.

The whole reservoir of water passed before me and then everything was quiet. I struggled to get my bearings and took a deep breath. Before long I heard another creature crawling past the island. I didn't know what it was but I was getting my strength back and that creature seemed to have a better idea of directions than I did.

The Creature

I decided to follow that creature listening at a distance in the dark. My eyes never got adjusted to the complete darkness but I could sense my way around somehow and follow that creature down a metal pathway. Sometimes I would try to wander off the path but there was metal on the sides. Once I climbed up the top but there was metal on the top. The walls were not flat and perpendicular. Instead they seemed to by cylindrical as I often slipped of the sides and ended back on the trail.

I kept listening for the creature ahead of me. It never stopped and turned back. It always kept moving. I was glad for that, as it kind of freaked me out. It could have easily turned back and attacked me at any moment but it just kept moving.

That's when I noticed there was some sort of light.
I wasn't lost forever. I could even make out some shapes.

I could see the silhouette of the creature in front of me.
It was much larger than me but very flat with six legs.
On its back were wings and on its head were a set of antennae.
It was a dirty creature but then again this metal trail they were in was filthy.

I saw the creature flap its wings and fly off into the light. I wanted to do the same but when I got to the end of the metal road I just
flopped down in exhaustion.

The voice

I heard a voice echo around me,

"Mommy! Look at this mosquito. It's so weak. It can't even fly.

Don't touch it Timmy!! You don't know where it's been.


Last picture from analogicus and cover picture from Marion.

Where did I come from and where am I going?

I am a lost mosquito and I traveled through the porcelain reservoir and the metal highway and survived. Everything is possible.
I will keep you updated on more news from the afterlife on this blockchain.

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