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She tried to cross the sidewalks but a fast and noisy car with loud headlights almost ran her over. Even though she has been absent minded, she could still perceive the fear of death engraving her. All that mattered most was her getting home into the arms of Jerry whom she could barely get hold of over the Phone. She sobbed silently as she walked down the street of merrily, having random thoughts of what she could have done wrong, or what the matter with her is that almost all bad things seem to happen to her.



The world seemed to be a bitter place to inhabit at this moment and the thought that some people can be mean and unruly made her sick. All she could percieve was stenches and at this point everything stinked around her. This thought kept hovering over her like a dark rainy cloud and it made her head ache but to what use she thought. She should maybe just jump into the nearest lagoon or better still river where the fishes will have her as lunch which was a better option to her right now.



Letty was a young beautiful woman in her mid 20s with so much vigour and ambition. She was pretty as the sun, smiles like the Lillie's and glow like the stars. To her, this beauty was the cause of her problem to begin with. After graduating high school in a small town, she travelled to the city to help achieve her dreams and fend for her not well to do family. She was qualified for the job, they always say, but seeing how pretty and innocent she was, they always wanted more from her before even testing her skills.
One day, arriving for an interview, the employer barely gave notice to her credential but rather stared at her as a predator does a prey. Soon enough she was given the job but with an ultimatum.



Letty had sworn to keep her distance from things that might involve sexuality and job hunting so she frowned at the men who did this disgustingly.As a result of this she lost mouth watering job offers but her dignity was more important than money.
Thank God Jerry is here to lean on after constant days of disappointment or else I would not be here right now, she thought as she went down the alley.

Jerry has always been Letty's best friend since she arrived Merrily, even though he was from a rich home, he still struggle to make ends meet for himself,Letty and her family disregarding his family's fortune.

As Letty walked slowly down the alley, she imagined her parents and how much she could use their advice and warm hug right now. Missing her family was visible on her face and one could see right through it.
As she approached the door way, she saw Jerry coming to her with a beaming smile and all she could do was wonder. Getting to her, he hugged,took her off her feet and kissed her forehead. Exactly what she needed, she hugged him tightly and began weeping again. Jerry knew she had a bad day so he took her inside the house and made her hot coffee. After that he leaned to her and whispered, " We might be provided with a solution to all those unruly interviews you've been having. I submitted your credentials to an organization in Kansas and they got back to me today, giving you the position of an executive officer in their organization and you can resume whenever you want". Letty's face litted up hearing this and tears dripped down her chin in a sequential manner making this a dream come alive for her.

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