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Her Scariest Two Minutes

Maddie jumped up from her midnight sleep shouting her husband's name for help. For a split seconds there she couldn't get him to wake up even with her hitting him frantically.

Since he wouldn't bulge, she immediately sprang out of bed to go save the house by her self.

"Love! What is the problem?" Her husband woke up and called after her. Though she could hear her husband voice in her head, she couldn't stop. She needed to save the house and time was ticking by. With everywhere dark she found her way to the kitchen withing a few secs and went straight for it.

It seem so close yet no matter how much she stretches, she just couldn't reach it. Trying to put off the circuit breaker but couldn't reach it. Same goes for the wall sockets she had tried putting off earlier before she resulting to the circuit breaker.

Realizing that she needed help, she ran back to her husband who was now pacifying their 11months old baby that woke up and started crying because of the commotion.

"Love, please carry this baby! And stop running up and down for goodness sake!" Tim, her husband reprimanded her as he practically dumped their baby on her arms.

Securing her baby in a tight hug, she pondered what just happened to her. She had been in a state of half sleep-half conscious for nearly two minutes! She felt so exhausted from running and disappointed for not being stooped and assured by her husband that all was well and that she was only dreaming.

"What happened to you?" Her husband asked with his voice reeking of annoyance.

Disappointed and equally annoyed Maddie did say a word back to him. She looked blankly at him and started to pace up and down while still hugging their baby tight.

Tim shook his head when he saw her reaction and walked back to bed.

Maddie tried her best to hold back the tears in her eyes but her tear glands had a mind of their own. Sobbing into her baby's shoulder who has long stopped crying and was now sleeping steadily, she kept pacing the living room while She tried to understand why her husband didn't stop her to reassure her when she needed him the most. When she thought of the fact that she nearly hurt herself by escaping getting electrocuted in the presence of her husband, she sobbed even more.

Her energy started to wane that she collapse on the sofa with her baby on her chest as she cried herself to sleep.

"Good morning, Love." Greeted her husband coolly making his way to the kitchen for his regular morning glass of water.

Maddie who is still very much angry at her husband, gathered her baby up in her arms and walked past her husband to the bedroom without meeting him in the face or responding to his greeting.

"Can we talk about last night, Love? What really happened?" He asked again when he returned to the bedroom.

"There nothing to talk about, Tim." She replied him in a low tone while settling in bed next to her sleeping baby.

"I simply had a bad dream and wondered half awake for almost two minutes with nobody to come to my aide." She commented with an uninterested tone while scrolling down her phone before pulling the blanket over her face.

"How could I have known. I was fast asleep, Love." Tim, explained.

The memory of last night returned to Maddie and she sat up in bed to meet her husband's eyes.

"Tim, here is what you should have done differently! You..." Noticing the raise in her voice, she took deep breath and a pause before going ahead.

"You should have stopped me. Probably hug me and tell me it was a dream and all was well." She let out her disappointment in between sobs.

For the first time since last night Tim realised his mistake. His wife has a point and he needs to apologize.

He took some steps closer to his wife and ended up sitting next to her on the bed.

"I'm sorry, Love." He apologized in a voice that shows he really was sorry.

"Its OK." Maddie said and got back in bed under her duvet. Obviously still mad at him.

"Permit me to make it up to you, my Lady." He said drawing near her in bed.

"Let's go shoe shopping later today, Love. Bill's on me." He announced followed by a wink of his eye.

"Whatever!" Replied Maddie as she gleefully pulled the duvet up to her face to cover her grin.

      THE END.
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