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Inkwell Prompt #60 | Guilty Yet Innocent

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'Christian or Muslim'


'Repeat after me'
'With this Holy Bible and before this court'

"With this Holy Bible and before this court"

'I do solemnly swear to say the truth and nothing but the truth'

"I do solemnly swear to say the truth and nothing but the truth"

'So help me God'

""So help me God"*

It was Tony's third appearance in the court after he was accused and detained for fraud.
He was simply a cake baker and delivery boy who was just starting to find his feet when he fell into a very bad place. He had received a call for a delivery and as usual, he set out on his bike to make the delivery. Almost as soon as he entered the building, the police arrived likewise for a raid and arrested every single person in the house at the time of the raid. Tony kept pleading that he was innocent but it definitely fell on deaf ears as he was detained like the rest.
To make matters worse, the boys there pointed out that he was a part of them. He tried all he could to explain himself but the nobody listened. He had no parents or guardians to reach out to to vouch for him as the case was taken to court. As to why the boys kept pointing him out repeatedly was something he didn't understand. This made him cry every single day while behind bars.

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'Why do you cry?' A voice asked in the dark
It was lights out and all the guards where out
"Is anyone there he asked?"
'Your chi has visited' ( Chi is an African- igbo word meaning God. The context used here is personal guardian mostly a spiritual being that guides and protects)
"Help me, get out of here" he cried
'Tomorrow truth shall prevail'

My Lord, as I have been saying these past days, I do not know any of these guys, I only came to make cake deliveries. I bake and make deliveries sir.

This had been his consistent testimony since day 1 but he needed a witness.
Few minutes later, a word got to the judge that one of the criminals wanted to speak. He was brought in. This was the same person who had said Tony was one of them. On seeing him, Tony was so tempted to hit but allowed self control.
My Lord, he said.
This man is innocent. As a matter of fact I do not know him.

The court was left in shock as people began to whisper while the criminal was being questioned. Tony was finally set free and all charges labelled against him were dropped. Stepping out of the prison gate, he knelt down in appreciation to his Chi.

The end

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