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And Their Lives Changed- Happy New Year

The sound of the doorbell woke up Ken. He looked at his watch, 7.10 AM. Who could be that? He got up lazily and opened the door. Ken couldn’t believe his eyes. This was Gina, his daughter, standing at the door. Ken was seeing his daughter after three years. Ken felt his wife, Maya, approaching behind him. He heard Gina. "Happy New Year, Mom and Dad," Gina said, and hugged both him and Maya together.

Ken looked at her in surprise. He felt this was his young little angel, Gina. Ken remembered his baby face in front of his eyes. He went back to the past when she used to hug him and used to call him dada, in her trembling childish voice. But now she was twenty-one, and as she grew, her tone felt so different, especially in the last three years since she left home and stayed in a working hostel.

This recent development was such a relief for him. He went out of their room, saying nothing further. Ken felt today that Gina’s behavior had changed a lot. He felt something different in Maya today. Gina was talking with him as she usually did, and Maya was not interrupting her. He was feeling relieved. Ken wanted to spend more time with both of them today. He no longer felt like an outsider among his own family members, as he had felt until yesterday.

Ken felt as if he wanted to live his life with a new beginning, and it was giving peace to his mind. Kene felt like his relationship with Maya was coming back to normal. Maya also felt the same and was surprised that Ken’s reaction to everything was different and his words sounded like they did in the good old days. The signs of egos and differences between them had now disappeared. Image


Dialogues, even if they are meaningless, are the starting point of good relations. Ken felt the sense of belonging made two strangers come back to each other, and they no longer felt like they had ever separated. The return of Gina had changed everything within hours.

"Darling, you were talking about changing the decoration of the house, so let’s do some shopping today. Maybe you would like to make some changes to the furniture and curtains as well. " Maya said.

Ken was happy, so he said with joy, "Whatever you like, get it done. Will you come with us, Gina? " Ken asked hesitantly. Gina saw tones of questions, doubts, hope, and love in his eyes.

All three were eager to welcome the new year. The New Year has arrived in their lives. A light seemed to spread in every corner of the house. "Happy New Year, Mom and Dad," Gina said while hugging both of them together. She wanted the two of them together. Oh, how she wanted both of them together, forever.

Ken looked at Maya. Gina was still speaking, "It’s the New Year, so from now on it’s going to be all happiness in our house. Mom and Dad, I will never leave you alone in the future, no matter what you say to me."

Maya smiled, listening to her, but Ken laughed aloud. He hadn’t felt as happy in the last three years since Gina left home.

Ken noticed a ray of sunlight entering through the window glass and was about to touch the far corner of the hallway floor. Ken felt as if the first rays of January morning gave him a new lease on life. He also felt that the coldness of their relationships with Maya and Gina was gradually melting away in the new year’s morning.

There was a difference between me and your mom. Ken thought it was nothing but a sense of insecurity that forced us to do things the wrong way. I wanted to keep you close to me, but you kept getting away.

"But how long will you spend your life the way it is going? This is not the right way to live. Ken continued, "I always wanted a happy family. I will always remain grateful to both of you, your mother’s love and yours, my daughter."

Gina could see the tears flowing down Maya’s cheeks, and it upset her.

"You must start trying, Maya. It will take time. The egos of us elderly people become like old giant banyan trees as we age." Ken continued, "We should move on. We can’t let it happen anymore."

"Happy New Year," Ken said, his arms fully stretched. He took a step ahead and held Maya and Gina in his arms. They were feeling the warmth of belonging under the rays of the sun on the first day of the year 2022.

Gina thought it was going to be the happiest new year of their lives.

I wish a happy new year to all the Hivers, admins, and members of the community. May God bless you with all the success in your life.

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