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Magical Love

picture sorce: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/crystal-ball-glass-sphere-bullet-4043805/

Monika absolutely loved Troy. He was so cool. He always wore the newest and best looking sneakers, got the greatest grades in Geomwitchry, and always seemed to smell like fresh cut wood and berries.

Even though they were into totally different magics, Monika being a magical fortune teller and Troy training to be a Genie, Monika still got to see him in one class. Science! In science, she sat right next to him, and she got to admire him and the messy black curls on his head all day. She just wondered one thing though. Did he like her back?

One interesting Monday, Monika had all her notebooks and spellbooks and was headed to science, when she saw Troy walking into class.

His dark brown eyes flashed a bright blue like they always did when he used his magic and he held the door open and put a hand in front of him. “After you, Mon-Mon.”

Monika smiled. When she got to her desk she was still thinking about Troy. She wished she would’ve talked to him. She wanted to know everything about him. Of course she could just watch him from her crystal ball, and see into his future while she was at it, but she would never think of doing such things…maybe.

That day, the teacher went up to the board with her teaching stick/wand and said, “Starting today we shall practise combining our magic to create an even bigger effect than they could alone. Now, there is a such thing as too much magic, don’t get me wrong, but I see you all are getting stronger and more mature with your magic, and let’s put how much you can do to the test! This week, everyone will get in partners decided by who you sit next and class and the two of you will try to make a magical business that will test on regular people your age at the other highschool when they come over here on Friday. Go on class, find your partners!” The teacher yelled.

Monika’s eyes immediately slid over to Troy’s who had already turned to her, smiling. “Well, Miss Crystal ball, I guess we're science partners!”

Monica had felt so giddy and happy, but she played it cool. “We’re both smart and actually know how to use our powers, so this shouldn’t be too hard.”

Since then, she could barely wait to tell her besties what had happened in Science and as soon as lunch came, she had sped over to them happily.

“I can’t believe I’m science partners with Troy! Such a pleasant result of chance that we sit next to each other in science!”

“I’m jealous! Troy is super cute, and I think he likes you back!” Meaja said, her fairy wings fluttering and the gap between her two front teeth showing in her big smile.

“You really think he likes me back?” Monika asked. “I hope he does, since I think he’s the biggest crush I’ve ever had in my entire life! I could imagine us dating for years, being married even!”

“Woah, woah, woah, you’re thinking a bit too far into the future. You don’t even know if he likes you back,” Emma said, her sea monster green skin glittering in the sun.

“Oh, I know. I just wish I knew if he liked me back…” Monika looked down sadly. “Then I’d know if we get together in the future.”

“You could find out….with your crystal ball!” Emma said mischievously.

“Emma! You know the rules. A magic user cannot use their own magic on themselves! That’s like a witch eating her own wart potion. Something bad could happen!” Meaja yelled.

“Right. I don’t think I should go about using my fortune telling skills on myself, just to see if me and Troy are together in the future. I don’t want to get into any trouble that comes with using magic on yourself.” Monika assured her friends.

“Oh, please, teachers just say something bad happens if you use your magic on yourself because they don’t want you cheating on assignments for school and stuff like that. I’m sure nothing bad actually happens.” said Emma.

“Have you tried using your siren powers on yourself?” Meaja asked Emma.


“Well then, if you haven’t done it yourself, you can’t be sure for someone else.” Meaja said, but Monika was barely listening. All she could think about was Troy’s beautiful dark eyes and mocha brown skin.

When she went home she sat at her desk to do homework, and noticed her pink stone fortune-telling ball.

She just had to know. Would she and Troy get together? Could she do something about it to make them get together? She had to see.

She stared at the stone ball for a moment. Then slowly, she slid it over to her. She called upon the Ace of Panthers card from her card deck, placed it on her desk beside the stone ball, and closed her eyes, hands on the ball. “Oh crystal ball, let me see into the future. Show what life has sewn with it’s suture. For today, we shall see. Are me and Troy meant to be?”

Monika opened her eyes. The huge pink stone started out with a dim light, then it began to glow against her hands, and finally it brightened her whole room up as if it were a tiny star, and all Monika could see was white.

Then an image appeared, one of her and Troy walking to school. Together! Monika seemed to be talking to Troy about something, and they both laughed. And then Troy gave her a strong shove into the grass. Monika looked up at Troy with a face of sadness… questioning, and when she tried to get up, Troy yelled something, his face scrunched up. Then everything faded back to white.

The white faded away and Monika was back in her room, sweating and breathing hard.

She couldn’t believe it. In her vision, Troy had just shoved her! Who did he think he was, shoving a girl? Monika had a mind to tell her parents or even the police about this act, but how could she tell anyone about an act that didn’t even happen yet?

“I guess we were never meant to be after all… if Troy’s a girl-shover…” Monika said to herself, tears in her eyes.

Why would he just shove me? He doesn’t do that normally to any girl… right? mental sigh

The next day, Monika woke up sad. She put on her school uniform and headed out, not so happy about her school science partner anymore.

“Hey! Monika!”

Monika looked around only to see Troy speed walking over to her from across the street. Oh no.

“Hey, what’s with the speed-walking? Can’t wait for school?” Troy asked her.

“No,” Monika answered coldly. “Hey, you don’t pick fights with girls… do you?” Monika asked.

“No! Made you say that!?” Troy said seriously. Monika felt relieved.

“Oh, nothing, I just…wanted to ask you a question I guess.”

“Well you ask some weird questions.” Troy laughed.

Monika started to laugh too. She knew it would be way out of his nature to do such a thing as push her.

They both laughed, and just as Monika was slowing down to Troy’s walking speed, he pushed her right into the grass.

She got up, her heart racing. Her vision had been right!


“STAY DOWN!” Troy interrupted Monika, just as Truck swerved down the road.

The out-of-control trucks started to slant towards them, one of it’s wheels hopping onto the sidewalk. It was rushing towards Troy until he hopped out of the way right next to Monika.

The truck stopped a few inches past them, knocking down a street light in the process. The slam of the light pole against the road and shattered glass rang in Monika’s head for a moment.

I could have died… she thought. If Troy didn’t push me when he did…

Troy got up, and held and held a hand out to Monika. She took it and heaved herself up.

“I’m sorry, this is all my fault.” said Troy.

“What?” said Monika. She was confused. “The truck? You didn’t force it to swerve over to us.”

“Actually, I did.” Troy said, and with a snap of his fingers the truck had poofed away, golden sparkles floating to the ground where it was.

“What the- that was your Genie magic!? Then why would you send that after us!?” Monika asked.

“Because…well, I wanted to show you how strong I was. See, I broke the rules. I used my Genie magic for my own use and gave myself three wishes. I wanted you to like me, but one of the rules of my magic is I can’t metally or physically make you love me. Not that I would ever try that anyway. My first two wishes I wasted by making us meet a few times in the hall, so I could say something to you, but my mouth just would say what I wanted it to. So I thought if I impressed you by, say, saving you from a car crash or something, I wouldn’t have to say anything, I could just show you I cared about you, and you would like me, but this didn’t end up like how it did in my head. ” explained Troy.

Monika thought back to when Troy’s eyes flashed blue when he opened the door for her, a sign that his magic was at play.

“When you opened the door for me yesterday… was that-

“My magic? Yeah. I used my magic to make us come to class at the same time, but I couldn’t figure out what to say to you.

Monika had felt the same way that time! Monika smiled. “Still, you saved me from that truck. And to be honest, I had used my magic to see if we were a thing in the future since I liked you too. Like you, I mean, since I still do.”

The two laughed.

“What did you see?” Troy asked.

“Actually, I saw what just happened.” said Monika.

“Hmm. It’s funny how life works out.” said Troy.

“Yeah, let’s agree not to use magic for our own fortune again. As for us… well…”

“You.. wanna go to that wizard bakery made in the 1600’s this afternoon?” Troy asked.

Monika beamed. “You know it.”

And the two held hands all the way to school.

That Friday, their science project came out well. They called their project a Genie warning: when you ask for your first from Troy, Monika looks into the future with her pink stone ball and tells you if your wish will end up good or bad.

Project based on true events. Read the bottom of their booth.

“Pfft, what ‘true events’ that involved Genie and fortune telling magic have you two lived through?” the science teacher scoffed as she walked by.

Troy and Monika only smiled and shook their heads.

“If you only knew, teach. If you only knew.”


Check out my NFT's at: https://ab2.gallery/address/VFJRN2LQ3F6I65YKQIMF6ULSYVF3B5HJRNLOQMTYTBNPJQNSYJANGFL6KU

thanks for reading! :)

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