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Announcements from The Ink Well!

Source: Geralt on Pixabay, edited with Gimp

Hello to all in The Ink Well Community! We have some significant updates to share in this post.

Unfortunately, the moderators who have been running The Ink Well community, in particular @raj808 and @shanibeer, but also @stormlight24, have all had life disruptions and challenges that prevent them from continuing the level of involvement they intended.

@shanibeer has been the primary impetus and thought leader in recent months behind all of the goals and activities of the community, such as the writing contests and the Fast and Furious Festival. She will be permanently stepping down to take care of health and life commitments. We thank her for all of her time and energy, and the fun and engagement she has brought to the community.

@raj808 is still involved and behind the scenes, as his time and ability allows, but he is also otherwise committed and is not able to give The Ink Well his focus. As the founder of The Ink Well, @raj808 was instrumental in creating a place here on Hive that is devoted to supporting emerging writers, and we extend an enormous "thank you" for launching this wonderful initiative.

@stormlight24 has major career and life commitments that prevent him from participating in and supporting the community. And @carolkean, our lovely free spirit, is only here on occasion as time allows.

Who is left?? What will become of The Ink Well??

Meet the Mods

Going forward, @jayna and @agmoore will be the primary mods for The Ink Well. We are two people who are passionate about fiction and want to see The Ink Well continue to thrive.

That said, we also have major life commitments and we both seek that elusive but very important life balance to ensure we can pursue our own creative interests and “keep all of the balls in the air” in our lives.

What this means is that we are going to build off of what has been started here, but things will fundamentally change. We will continue to post fiction writing tips and writing prompts from The Ink Well account and encourage engagement in the community. Our initiatives will be not be overly ambitious. We simply want our community to feel that the ideas are energizing and inspiring, and that they fuel creativity.

This is all we are committing to, for the moment. We want to make sure we have a stable, manageable level of activity here that we are able to support.

Rules and Expectations

All of the community rules still apply, though we may tweak them slightly to reflect our vision. For now, in addition to the published community rules (which all should read prior to publishing work to this community), here are our expectations:

  • We are a community of fiction writers. Please do not post other types of content.
  • “Flash fiction” is preferred. These are stories that are typically 700 to 1000 words, and are the most appropriate for the online Hive community, as they are not too daunting in length to read, which we believe will contribute to community participation and engagement. (Maximum word length, per our manifesto is 2000 words.)
  • Please read the writing tips. The most recent one is always pinned to appear at the top of the feed, and it contains a list of all writing tips. Our writing tips can help you with voice, style, setting, character development, editing, overall quality and more.
  • NEW: We ask that for every story you publish to The Ink Well community, that you read and comment on two other stories. Please be kind and courteous. Start with what you like. If you see issues or would like to make recommendations, please do so respectfully and constructively.

What all this means is that we must primarily operate as a community, for the community, without a lot of administration, moderation or support. Please help us to keep The Ink Well running by being good community members! Read the tips, follow the rules, and engage with other writers and their work to show your support. This will help us keep a strong foundation of activity and involvement.

Thank you, and please do let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

@jayna and @agmoore

TheInkWell Section Seperator.png

We would like to invite lovers of creative writing to visit The Ink Well, a Hive community started by @raj808 and run by @jayna and @agmoore.

We also invite you to follow The Ink Well curation trail on the Hive blockchain, at https://hive.vote/. Simply navigate to the curation trail section and search for theinkwell (all one word with no @ symbol) and our trail will pop up as an option.

Similarly delegations are possible on Hive using the fantastic https://peakd.com/ Hive Blockchain front end. If you wish to delegate to @theinkwell, you can do this from the wallet section of https://peakd.com/

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