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Sick of running the same ol' nature list? You haven't met Burnie Jankerson yet!

Howdy! I'm back with a list thats not deception, who woulda thought! Today we have a little nature deck call Burnie Jankerson (Burn Jank)

So, I've had this dream meme deck in mind since I first saw the Blazing Tally. I could not play any nature decks because I had this one brewed up. The rest seem kinda boring and overplayed (insert hipster vibes) and I was missing some cards for this one.

With the help of a homie and streamer Notlemsvision we brewed up a little something I had in mind. You can catch his twitch stream on sundays, He has a cool random wheel to play his numerous decks with.. at random! :D

The idea of the meme was a BURN nature deck, utilizing the blazing tally, self-burn creatures, regen wild creatures, and the Trial of Hydras to wrap it up. We found out that this list is not only A-List meme quality, but an actual strong deck :D Hard note here, the Blazing Tally gives all your creatures (wild or not) regen+1 when ANY creature with burn dies in ANY way. So your self burn is an afterlife regen+1 to all your creatures. Conniving Degen is great value like this, having burn and roar to give burn to opponent creature. You can trade to kill that creature the same turn to give regen back to the Djinn. If what you used to trade survives, it gets regen aswell :D

So, get your Inflammable Imbeciles and Conniving Djinns out of the old age home you stashed them in, Burnie Jankerson is here to put em to use!

I give you, Burnie Jankerson. Smoker of dubes and noobs. Code name: The Blazing Imbecile


--stay tuned in for the youtube video of Notlemsvision's breakdown on the deck--


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