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What Habits Do You Follow For Your Health?

The non-fiction prompt from Ms Shadows' daily prompt is a question —What habits do you follow for your health?

Noah Buscher via Unsplash

In recent times people are more conscious of their health than ever before. This is because there are many diseases and infections all over the world, especially with the arrival of the deadly covid virus that changed our world. There are lots of books, audio, videos, blogs and other online content that promote the importance of healthy living.

When we are conscious of our health, it means we care not only for ourselves but also for people who are dear to us. If anything happens to you, your family and loved ones would be worried sick. Living healthily means you care about them as well.

I think I am more conscious of my health now than when I was a teenager or younger. I see this as a sign of maturity and self-preservation. Some habits that I follow and take seriously are:


Nathan Dumlao via Unsplash

Without saying much, we know how important water is to our bodies. I understand about 75% of the human body is made up of water and we need water to digest our meals, enhance metabolism and for clear skin. Some people say water helps with weight loss but I'm not sure about this.

One time I travelled to a state in my country for work and was not comfortable with the environment. I wanted to get my work done so I could leave as soon as possible. I did not drink enough water. When I returned home, I had a hard time passing stool for days because I was dehydrated. It was a hard lesson for me but I learned to hydrate properly since then!


LyfeFuel via Unsplash

Any opportunity to exercise my body, I always take it. My schedule is such that I could sit for hours at a desk. So I try to incorporate a little bit of exercise into my routine daily and this includes lots of walking, chores and mild exercise at home.

Fruits And Vegetables

Anna Pelzer via Unsplash

No doubt, a balanced diet meal is recommended for healthy living but fruits and vegetables should be more. In my country, a diet of fruits and veggies is very expensive. Still, I work around my food budget and make sure I don't lack these in my meals.


Cris Saur via Unsplash

I can't emphasize enough how important sleep is to the human body. Never cheat on good sleep. I try to get my 5-6 hours of sleep daily but sometimes, I sleep less due to work and other stuff. When this happens, I'm always a wreck during the day and continuously cheating on good sleep causes memory lapses.

Living healthily means as we age, we do so gracefully and there will be fewer aches and pain especially when such a person is older. Though I've seen people who were careful with their health as they grew older, yet they had to deal with certain illnesses. So I can't say 100% that consciously living healthy can keep diseases away but most often, it does.

These are some of the habits I follow for my health. What are yours?

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