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BREAKING: Burning Bernie – Again!

DNC is in a problem again. Like four years ago, they cannot grasp why a mass of people al over the United States is voting for a self-proclaimed ‘Democratic Socialist’, instead of well known criminals, loving, corrupt mainstream capitalist candidates like HRC, Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg or Elizabeth Warren. That defies their logic, right? Look how they ’fixed’ things in Iowa…

Four years ago, the scam was revealed thanks to Wikileaks, and one man paid the truth with his life. His name was Seth Rich, if you remember him. Winning DNC candidate in 2016, Bernie Sanders, was shunned away in favor of Hillary Clinton. At the general surprise, Bernie didn’t go independent after the revelation, but decided to be ‘a party soldier’ and support Hillary. We know how everything ended.

Having a bad experience with an ‘easy choice’ of the ‘right candidate’, this time DNC started rigging from the very beginning. You see, they have developed the new app designed to help tabulate and report the result, but it turned out some technical difficulties with ‘inconsistencies’…

“We found inconsistencies in the reporting of three sets of results. In addition to the tech systems being used to tabulate results, we are also using photos of results and a paper trail to validate that all results match and ensure that we have confidence and accuracy in the numbers we report.”
— Mandy McClure, Iowa Democratic Party Communications Director

Right. It can’t be that Bernie won by a landslide. Even despite the fact that he was leading Iowa polls by four points on average only two days before the caucuses:

There must be some mistake. And mistake should be no obstacle for that gay… guy with unpronounceable name to declare himself a winner. OK, let’s see what’s with this app. As you may not know, this isn't the first time the parties have used an app in Iowa. In 2016, both Republicans and Democrats used an app designed by Microsoft. This time, Democrats took the app development in their own hands. According to HuffPost, creator of this year’s app was a tech firm called “Shadow”, affiliated, and funded by, ACRONYM, a Democratic digital nonprofit group headed by Gerard Niemira, a veteran of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

“State campaign finance records indicate the Iowa Democratic Party paid Shadow, a tech company that joined with ACRONYM last year, more than $60,000 for “website development” over two installments in November and December of last year.”

At this point we won’t question if that was a realistic sum for an application that has to be foolproof against the security breaches and reliable in counting the results, removing any shadow (where have I heard this?) of doubt about possible rigging. Iowa is a small state. Instead, we are going to ask another question: Who were the donors for this app? $21,250? Is that once or twice?

“Pete for America Inc.”? A campaign of a self-proclaimed winner? How quaint! You do not think it would be unusual that app is favoring its major donor? Of course, not! Who’s gonna notice such a trifle? The Deplorables?

Or would you rather believe the final results of the unreleased Iowa poll, twitted by Mike Cernovich?

Des Moines-2020-02-04_144508.jpg

And while we are waiting the results from Iowa, we already know the true winner:

Big Win-2020-02-04_143949.jpg

So, the Dummocrats (can’t help but notice this sounds as a compliment to them) are on their loosing road again. It is clear now they would rather have Trump in power than Bernie Sanders. It’s a mission they got from their plutocratic overlords. Even at the expense of self-destruction. In such case, you know the drill…

Wonder when DNC will remember to scream “Russian hackers”!

Never forget that Julian Assange was the one who took off the mask from the corrupted political system in the U.S.

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