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Travelling while asleep to a reality of colors - a dream interpretation

In several the next posts I will describe dreams of my students and the meaning I gave to them. As you may know, in our dreams we communicate with our soul self and hence their importance to the fullfilment of the creed: "know thyself". These posts may help you find meaning, by yourselves, to your own dreams. I will opeb this serise with a short simple dream and its succinct interpretation


The Dream

I dreamed that I was at a friend's house and then when we left that house we were on some high hill. Suddenly we noticed a black rainbow in the sky that slowly became colorful and then black again and finally colored. On the side of the hill, there was an abyss. In the abyss, there was a spring of water from which the water flew up until it almost touched us. The water rose like a fountain and one stream of water hit me. I panicked and my friend took her mother's car and drove me home. She waited until I opened the gate and entered my home.

I am 17 years old.


Credit: Russian embroidery artist Vera Shimunia

My Interpretation to your dream

The dream describes a journey you have made into a different reality. In your case, you have reached a level in the world of dreams that contains realities that are as real as our ordinary one.

The hill and the abyss and the rainbow, all natural phenomena, that reflect your subjective world. They represent good feelings and low feelings (= abyss) and the changes in your mood (the rainbow with its various colors). The water - it was probably a geyser - represents life, the energy of vividness that entered your life. Because you were afraid, you then were pulled back to this reality (= car ride back). The friend is actually part of your soul that materialized in a form you know. The mother represents the soul that was present all the time to make sure you were allright and protected.

A very beautiful dream. Well done, you allowed yourself to remember.


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