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My first experience on tournaments

Hello everyone!

In this post I will present my first impressions of the first #Splinterlands tournament I've ever played. My experience has been amazing and I recommend everyone includes tournaments in his/her roadmap. Hope you enjoy it!


With all the changes incoming to the game with the next season and the clear move from de devs to 'invite' every single player to acquire assets and move higher in ranks to increase the rewards, another door has opened to me: tournaments. I'm ranked in silver and I decided to give it a try Scarred Hand Silver Beginner Cup hosted by @sps.tournaments


As you can see in the requirements, +705 SPS Staked is required which is less than $70 today and +7,5KCP in Chaos Legion Cards. I love Chaos Edition only to avoid those Llamas and Yodins that put things very difficult. The only problem that I've got is about card levels. I've only got a gold foil Kelya with some gold cards that are above the basic level. So my expectations were about learning how they work and trying to win some matches. The joining tournament fee is about 2 SPS THAT is turned back to the first 256 players (you've got all the numbers to at least 0 costs if this is not a massive tournament).


What a surprise! I qualified for the second round!


As I had suspected I found everyone playing max-level summoners and cards. But what I had not was that I could perform an amazing initial 6W1L strike that qualified me for the second round of the tournament. With this fact, I was guaranteed a 6SPS cashback. I will not become rich with that results but as we say in my town, profit is profit. I will share with you some epic battles where I felt David facing Goliath.


Destroying Lv 4 Obsidian Mirror match


If you take a look at this battle view and bet who will win, everybody would put their money on the higher rank Obsidian. But this game is about details, and every single one counts in a mirror match. First, let's take a look at battle conditions:


If the universe could give me two battle conditions that increased my chances to reach the victory I would have chosen equalizer and reverse speed. These two factors made that all my army took the 11 health Splipsawn LVL 4 and my slower creatures could hit first. This does not mean that I only won for those conditions but they helped a lot. Take a look at the hattrick of carries/supports:


In my opinion, Obsidian is a great summoner for this composition AND this order. Queen first boosting all armor, Spirit second to maximize the time that is supporting backline damage, and Psychic the third to maximize damage and the time that heals (including himself when he goes first). I don't understand why such a great creature like a Psychic is considered common.

The rest of the composition was more or less the same, so hope you enjoy the first win!


DiemonShark beats Thaddius lvl4


Every single battle was decided in a great percentage in summoner choosing and this is a great example. I faced a Thaddius lvl with my LVL 2 Gold foil Kelya (best investment I've ever made!) And this is how it went, let's take a look first at battle conditions:


If you ever see blast and noxious fumes and even with low mana, think about Kelya and Tharsa. They are the two summoners that got cleanse since level 1. Then I will present a couple of actors that took my roster to glory:


These two are da bosses of low mana cap noxious fumes. Diemon is an all-around tank and dat cleanse of River Nymph is the secret to everything. Even though my opponent had far better cards than me, the combo of battle conditions and playing better my options brought me to victory!


Beating Sniper Sloan LVL 4 with Obsidian


Finally, I will bring you my most epic win of the Tournament, a win that I would never have expected as I faced a Sloan that was expecting magic. He bought Magic reflect with Amplify. Take a look first turn when he erased goblin, Psychic. But, then came Mycelia with her shield to take the point to my team. Hope you enjoy!

So I recommend everyone to take his own adventure to tournaments. They are a fantastic way to learn the most competitive part of the game and try to capture some rewards! Thanks to @sps.tournaments to show the path of the future of #Splinterlands, those 6SPS of earnings added to all the knowledge achieved are a valuable treasure!


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