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Mexican Murals - Gigantic Mexicanism on Metro Chabacano [CCC's Street Art Contest #54]

What makes a great Mexican Mural? Having posted nearly 100 murals I came across, mostly in Mexico City, I think by now I have the recipe down: take some prehispanic imagery, don't forget to add a snake and a cactus, style it up with some appealing beauty, for example of an aesthetic female form, and paint it on a huge wall, the bigger the better. With such an abundance of murals, it really should be no problem to be a regular participant in CCC's Street Art Contest - provided you find the time to post.


I'm not trying to downplay the repetitive imagery in murals, instead I'd like to stress how in spite of my boring-sounding description the results can be stunning. So let me just let the painting speak for itself. It features a beautiful woman playing with a similarly pretty blue snake, letting it glide through her fingers and sit on her right arm. Her left arm is adorned with another snake, the tattoo of the feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl, matching the relief painted in the background. The two flanks of the image have the obligatory Nopal cactus.


The location of this amazing mural is the Metro station Chabacano, right in the middle of the city. It's a huge metro stop where three lines come together, so this is by far not the only mural in this gigantic complex. Instead of overwhelming the viewer, I will save the other ones for later. Some of the artist mentioned are donovan_os1, rafa_sk_, mikihernandez, theirmun, and alter_os.


If you liked this, click on any of the thumbnails to see my previous Mexican Murals posts:

illuminated.jpeg mermaid.jpeg picnic.jpeg axolotl.jpeg water.jpeg
snake.jpeg women.jpeg gods.jpeg metro.jpeg tlaloc.jpeg
water.jpeg baboon.jpeg art.jpeg fox.jpeg lips.jpeg
nose.jpeg valley.jpeg face.jpeg women.jpeg kiss.jpeg
face.jpeg turtle.jpeg bigbird.jpeg parable.jpeg fox.jpeg
dog.jpeg crow.jpeg chagas.jpeg boquilla.jpeg crazy.jpeg
infant.jpeg zipolite.jpeg flower.jpeg frida.jpeg heart.jpeg
park.jpeg death.jpeg cook.jpeg covid.jpeg heart.jpeg
corn.jpeg face.jpeg cat.jpeg predator.jpeg child.jpeg
nauts.jpeg lion.jpeg insect.jpeg recline.jpeg lady.jpeg
dog.jpeg chapultepec.jpeg flower.jpeg cats.jpeg selena.jpeg
kawaii.jpeg 06 dog.jpeg 05 hostel.jpeg 04 dive.jpeg swamp.jpeg
02 iguana.jpeg 01 turtle.jpeg frida.jpeg dragon.jpeg chilakillers.jpeg
prehispanic2.jpeg prehispanic.jpeg 07 harley.jpeg critter.jpeg corner.jpeg

... also, feel free to check out all my previous posts in my Mexican Murals series:

Winston Churchil and the Bike Movement
The Beauty of Death and the Struggle of Life
Different Types of Wall Painting
Political Expression, The Painting is on the Wall
A Familiar Face
Under Metro Line 4
Respected and Less Respected Paintings
Murals of the Barrio in Aguascalientes
Murals Under Periferico
A Cartoon With A Public Health Message
A Warrior Princess in Mazunte
New Images Covering Old Ones
Get to Know Your Local Cacti
A Mural for a Movie
Commercial Murals for Small Businesses
Not Much New in Almost a Year
Feminist Art on a Blue-Collar Business
High Above the City
Laboratory Work on the Cocoa
Elite Warriors in the Parque México
A Journey Through Rock-and-Roll, Contest Winners
Playing With Bugs on the Rooftop
La Familia Burrón in the Center
Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in the Alameda Central
New Stairs Art in my Neighborhood
Painted Garage Doors
The Children of the Feathered Serpent
Four Sides to a Water Box
Skate On Forever

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