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Drone Pic of the Week Contest Round 14

Could it be that time again? Our round 14 of the Drone Pic of the Week Contest starts today! Get your drone out! Pull it out and join our community with a post and entry into our Drone pic of the week contest. Contest starts 2022-07-02 and will end 2022-07-08.

Contest entries can be a pic of your drone, or a pic or video from your drone. And why not include 4 wheel drones as well? Feel free to pull in your FPV, RC Planes, RC cars, RC trucks and other landbound drones/robots as well.

Rewards: I will pick the top 3 three posts and the winners will each receive 200 Ecency points. Runners up or Honorable Mentions may receive some Ecency points as well depending on my stash for the week.

Contest Rules:
Must be a member or Join the Drone community.
Must post in the Drone community and have Drone as the first tag.
Must be Drone/RC car, Plane, Robot, or related post.
Optional - Place "Drone Pic Contest" in the subject or body.
I'll announce the winners next weekend and send a summary curation post.
Enjoy and good luck!

Don't forget to tell your friends and join our community!
@Ecency link:

@PeakD Link

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