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Five Months On Hive || HiveHighLight

I'm really glad @dreemsteem called me out to join this contest. Honestly I haven't had a chance to stop and actually think of all my achievements on hive. Before I get down to my achievements, I want to talk about my struggles here on hive.

You would agree with me that nothing good comes without hardwork and certain struggles. My achievements here on hive is no different.

The first struggle I had on hive was getting the right audience for my posts. During my first few days on hive, my posts didn't get much attention. Believe me it doesn't feel so good putting so much effort on your Post and end up having little or no engagements on your Post. This made me to embark on a mission searching for the right communities and right audience for my posts.

Then there is the struggle of figuring out a topic to write about. I faced this difficulty when I decided to post at least once a day. This wasn't an easy task because some days my head will be totally blank and some times I'll run out of ideas of what to write about. That was when I discovered the daily prompts and weekly prompts and questions given by several communities. These communities give out these prompts with a deadline, with these prompts there is always a topic to write about.

But then, just having a topic to write about isn't enough. There is also the struggle of what to actually write, that is the body of the post. Sometimes, I stare at the topic for hours without knowing how to start. Sometimes after starting, and writing for hours, I run out of ideas and then checking what I have written so far, it would be too small and not qualified as a standard post. I can't post it that way, because I have vowed never to post a low quality post.

The beauty about hive is that, with each of these struggles comes an achievement. This is because when you strive to overcome these struggles, you achieve a lot on the platform.


Honestly, there are so many moments in Hive that have left me with a shocking and unforgettable memory.



This is a day I can never Forget. Even santa would shocked at such a surprise lol. Back then As a newbie, if I get up to 10 likes on my post, I'll be so happy and feel on top of the world. Now you can imagine the Joy in my heart when I woke up one fateful morning to see my Post with about 300 likes. I couldn't believe it. This was a Post I made under the #pic1000 contest. That was the first, and with that many more came and it became a norm seeing my post with such number of likes. I appreciate every one, every curation trail, that has made this possible.



When I say family, I don't mean my village people lol. Another special moment I had on hive was when I discovered that my family from a different platform were all here on hive. These were the people who made me who I am in blogging today. They were my online family, we shared so many memories together online and some how, I lost contact with them. Therefore seeing them all here made me so so happy. What family are my taking about? It is the tiger lily family led my our mother and captain @dreemsteem. I love every member of this family, you can imagine the Joy in my heart when I reunited with them here, all thanks to hive.


If you are a regular visitor to my blog, you will notice my love for contests. I really enjoy joining contests, not really for the prize, but entering these contests makes me bring out my best when writing. Therefore seeing my name among the winners in such contests brings so much happiness to me and these are moments I cherish a lot.



Ever since I discovered cryptocurrency, I have been eager to know everything there is to know about cryptocurrency. But then crypto is one diverse topic that you can never know everything about it. You can't even get to know every single crypto coin there is to start with. But then, my journey on hive have opened my eyes to a whole lot that I didn't know about crypto. Every moment I learn something new about crypto, is a special moment for me. I don't even want to start talking about the wonderful tokens I have earned on the platform. Honestly sometimes I just spend several minutes staring at my wallet and my tokens. Just looking at this tokens increase each day makes me so happy.


I'd say that this is My everyday special #hivehighlight. You might not know this, but each moment I meet New friends and engage with the awesome people on the platform is so special to me. I just love hearing people's opinion on things and there are some people who are just born comedians putting a smile on my face each day. This is why I have sort of Bond with the #PobTalk show, #VerifiedYellowBird Show #PobNaija weekend engagement. These are shows I love a whole lot, because it gives me a chance to interact with so many people and have me a good laugh too.

There you have it. these are my struggles, my achievements and my special moments on hive.

This Is My Entry For #Hivehighlight by @guiltyparties. Click HERE To Join The Fun.

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