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Damn it...Do not stop learning please..

We cannot know it all in this life , we need to keep learning if we want our lives to keep becoming valuable..

The biggest mistakes you can make in life is to assume that you know it all and you see no need to learn..

There are always things you need to learn and always stay willing to learn , a great leader is someone who is willing to learn to become a better person , someone who is willing to learn everything possible that will make them become more valuable.

You cannot be a great leader if you are not even prepared mentally to be willing to learn..

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Learning is part of life , life itself is a teaching experience, it is a learning experience, the more we live the more we will learn.

Learning gives you more knowledge about alot of things , it makes you become someone with more values, when you become valuable , you will become more respected and you will have a life that will motivate others too.

I love to ensure that I learn everyday , I always to make sure that I am knowledgeable about various things , I want to have an idea of various things in the society , i always want to add value to anyone around me or that I see..and it has helped me and made me to keep getting better and having more valuable life..

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