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The Untried Route | My Dreemport Challenge


The journey of life, I have learned, is unpredictable. Much as we want to control our fate, use our limited resources, connections and influence to make life simpler and cosy for us, it never works out that way. Why? Because it is unpredictable and not subject to man's control.

In our desire to control our lives for favourable outcomes, we prefer a familiar route which involves taking the same path over and over again. For the brave and courageous ones, they prefer to trod untried terrain and hope it leads to a place of gold - El Dorado. (I think I'm speaking in riddles).

I had a funny (or not so funny) experience today which on the positive side helped me attain 10,048 steps for the first time since I installed the @actifit fitness tracker app and this gets me an #automaticwin from @wil.metcalfe! Woohoo!

Back to my experience. I was going to take my usual route home after work today and instead I opted for a change. You see, I get bored easily and was bored with the same route home from work every day. I mean taking the same path, seeing the same people around, seeing the same sights and scenes etc.

I'm always amazed when I hear people talk about taking different routes to get to their destinations even though they had never taken the route before. Me? I just prefer to play it safe most times and take the route that others have walked, tested and testified that the path is safe!

So I opted to try another route and not play it safe. Not in search of El Dorado, but in search of new sights and scenery. Something new to activate my senses and keep my life happy! And to boast like some people that, "I took this route and it was no big deal. It brought me right home!" LOL!

This was how my Wednesday walk became an interesting one. These are some pictures I took today.








The route I took believing it would take me home actually took me to another part of town FARTHER away from home! LOL! When I stopped and asked a passerby where I was, I realized that the route was wrong and I would most likely get home very late! Ugh.

I could not stop laughing (and berating myself a little) in my head. Like how did I get here? All because I was bored and wanted to try something new. I had time to reflect on my situation in the bus.

It feels good to try new things or take new routes but relying on advice from those who have walked the same or similar path or tried those things is ALWAYS a big help. If it happens that you are the first in line, then be ready to help others walk that path easily.

I'm still reflecting and hope to come up with more lessons from this silly experience of mine. Or what do you think?

I hope you are all having a wonderful Wednesday!

My thanks to @dreemsteem for hosting the #dreemportchallenge, @tattoodjay for #wednesdaywalk, @elizacheng for #makemesmile and #actifit.

All pictures in this post are mine, taken with my Huawei Y9 phone, unless otherwise stated.

_This report was published via Actifit app ([Android](https://bit.ly/actifit-app) | [iOS](https://bit.ly/actifit-ios)). Check out the original version [here on actifit.io](https://actifit.io/@kemmyb/actifit-kemmyb-20210825t195231289z)_

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