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Relief, food, and chill

R E L I E F   F O O D  &  C H I L L

Travels / F o r t   L a u d e r d a l e

by Ruben Cress

Ruben Cress | Fort Lauderdale

S u m m a r y

We stayed for a couple of days in Florida because my uncle is a pretty busy guy. He usually works until 3 AM and wakes up around 6-7 AM just to start his day. Which most of the time means he's working. He runs two restaurants, and he has always been like this. Like I said, I look up to him. He knows so much, works A LOT (without forgetting to have fun), and is always up to date. He starts his day by watching the news, reading the newspaper, and checks his Facebook to see what his family and friends abroad are doing. He always reaches out to family and friends during the day for a quick chat, and makes time to say hi or asks how things are going. When there are people around him that are in need of a helping hand, or are sick, he always offers a hand to help. Around that time, he was bringing soup to people that had to deal with cancer, every single week. He didn't even knew them, he just did.

Just like this day, he just wants me to have a good time during my stay and drives all the way down to Miami. The weather was a bit cooler (not much cooler though) and we just walked around and visited a friend of his. A pretty good chef, can't recall properly, but I thought he was working in a 4 star restaurant @ Fort Lauderdale. We got some sample breakfast to try, it was the new menu. Yeah... I ate the whole menu, because I'm just a dog. I eat what was in front of me. Another story my uncle loves sharing... "Remember when we were at that restaurant, visiting my friend the chef, and he wanted us to try out his new 4-star menu? You ate the whole goddamn thing". HAHA. "He gave you HIS compliments and even gave us 2 whole of his "special breads" for on the go, he must have thought you didn't get food back at home, poor guy". haha... It was a lot of fun indeed... and it was delicious!

Ruben Cress | Fort Lauderdale

Ruben Cress | Fort Lauderdale

Ruben Cress | Fort Lauderdale

Ruben Cress | Fort Lauderdale

Ruben Cress | Fort Lauderdale

Ruben Cress | Fort Lauderdale

You'll have to eat properly, because we are going to the beach today!

Lol, he told me to prepare for the day and to eat properly. I assumed I had to stuff my belly well before hitting the road with my brandnew OG slippers. So, I did. But he was just sarcastic and assumed I would've eat breakfast like a normal person and that I knew the menu was a sample to try bits of everything. Oh well, one for the books.


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