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⭐️ Rising Star - Did 3 production fair missions. Opened two card packs and progress updates

Hello and welcome to all the readers.

A good progress in the risingstar world. Accumulating as many starbits as i can. Gradually increasing starpro and doing promote fan club missions.
Also doing lessons to increase my XP and skills.

Game progress:

Today, first i did my millionaire mission and then did remaining 3 custom production fair missions for this month
Did not find any gold parts.
1 silverspeakers, 1 chromemixer and 1 blackmixer

Need to evaluate, whether it's worth continue doing custom missions

Production Fair:


Card Opening:

Also opened 2 card packs.

Card Pack 1:


91 Colette - 5 fans, 10 skill
i81 Busker R10 - 5 luck
R189 Roman - 125 fans, 75 skill, 3 luck [rare]

A mix pack. 3 duplicate cards added to the collection.

Card Pack 2:


R169 Green - 125 fans, 75 skills, 3 luck [rare]
i83 Hand Carved Djembe - 5 luck
94 kirk - 10 fans, 5 skill

A mix pack. 3 duplicate cards added to the collection.

Overall, 6 duplicate cards.

July Goals:

TaskGoalCurrent StatusBalance
Music Promoter50000600044000
Custom shop missions25322
*Promote Fan club missions20218
Ego< 10%0%
Ranking< 200236

Need approx 5227 starbits per day to reach the starbits related goals
[includes the starbits needed for custom shop missions and music promoter goals]

Game Stats:


Skills - 37087 from cards, 32874 from lessons
Fans - 48099 from cards, temporary 544
Luck - 9194
Cards - 1038

Ego from fans - 48643 (544 temporary drunk fans)
Ego from missions - 18067
Total - 66710

Starbits doing Millionaire missions - 80000

Players Ranking:


Thank you for reading my post.

Have a nice day.


Previous post - @imfarhad/rising-star-spent-3000-starbits-in-music-promotion-opened-two-card-packs-and-progress-updates

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