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Analysing Dr. Ardis’ Claims: COVID Drug Remdesivir Has Killed Many & Serious Vaccine Side Effects Were Known In Advance

Remdesivir was the only drug authorised for use in treating COVID19, despite it not being approved for medical use by the FDA and having essentially no quality studies to back up it's use at the time. Other drugs used successfully internationally were banned by the US Gov’s health department. Dr. Bryan Ardis claims to add some puzzles pieces to the story, along with numerous data points regarding the side effects of COVID shots, in this lengthy interview with a German legal team. I attempt to validate his claims with mixed success!

Full Video Interview With Dr. Ardis is Below.

Dr. Bryan Ardis

Dr. Bryan Ardis is an expert in Chiropractic care and nutrition. He began his career at medical school as he wanted to heal his sister of Lupus. He then realised that the standard medical model wasn't going to heal his sister as they had no answer to Lupus and the drugs on offer would actually kill her within 3 decades and render her infertile.
He eventually healed her using knowledge gained outside of the mainstream (using detox, nutrition and herbs) - he says Lupus is caused by parasites in the spleen.

He shares here that Remdesivir, the ONLY drug chosen to treat COVID19 by the US' Anthony Fauci, has a less than sterling safety record and was not approved for use otherwise. He says that originally, Fauci cited a study on Remdesivir being used on Ebola as evidence for it's efficacy, which actually resulted in Remdesivir being pulled from the experiment because people died.

Overall, about 50% of people who received either Zmapp or remdesivir died during the trial. In contrast, only about 35% of people who received either Mab114 or REGN-EB3 died. Three participants died of side effects thought to be related to treatment—two in the ZMapp group and one in the remdesivir group.

Source: US National Institute of Health

The full study on Ebola is here.

It is fair to point out that since the test was on Ebola, which is itself deadly, the death of people in the relatively small trial is not surprising. None the less, this study could not be used to advocate for Remdesivir.

He highlights that the people dying of kidney failure in the US and the US' terrible mortality rate attributed to COVID19 is, in his mind, actually due to the incorrect use of drugs in treatment.

The high COVID19 mortality of the US does certainly include a substantial number from kidney failure. Columbia University confirms that New York city saw a much higher rate of kidney problems than other global regions.

Note: The US is not the worst performing nation in the world for COVID19 mortality as compared to other nations, but is among the worst.

In this video interview, Bryan states:

  • Remdesivir is the only authorised drug for COVID19 in the US (authorised by Dr. Anthony Fauci). Remdesivir was a new drug and was never FDA approved for treatment of disease.
  • Evidence presented by Fauci for Remdesivir's safety and efficacy were a study on Ebola and a study by the manufacturer. The study on Ebola showed Remdesivir caused more death than the other drugs in the study and pulled both Remdesivir and another deadly drug 'ZMAPP' (Fauci's selected drug) from the study.
  • NYC COVID19 Doctors reported kydney failure in large numbers. Bryan's father was killed by antibiotic used on flu, wrongly being used by a hospital. The antibiotic has a side effect of shutting down the kidneys. He realised that the kidney damage in COVID19 patients was likely caused by the drugs being given to them by hospitals.
  • He states that the manufacturer's own study (Gilead) highlights kidney damage as a primary adverse result of the drug.
  • The US was the only country between January 2020 and October 2020 to treat all COVID19 patients with Remdesivir.
  • He claims that the reason why the USA had the highest number of deaths from COVID19 in 2020 was due to the use of Remdesivir.
  • Hospital protocols are often incorrect and even incorrectly followed.
  • Cases of COVID19 were being diagnosed in hospitals based on not on medical symptoms or evidence, but on where the patient lived.
  • FDA document states that over 110 diseases that were going to be caused by COVID19 shots, including death and miscarriages and 5 different blood clotting disorders BEFORE the shots were rolled out.
  • Number of deaths from shots received, just 3 days after shots were administered is said to be over 45,000 within the US according to a whistleblower – a court case is in progress in response to this to end emergency vaccine authorisation.
  • VAERS database for vaccine injury reporting is under reported by a factor of 100. Many Doctors do not even know what the VAERS database is.
  • FDA document contains reference to a brand new disease: [multi system inflammatory syndrome in children MIS-C(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multisystem_inflammatory_syndrome_in_children). It’s a known side effect of the COVID19 shots. 4200 cases of this disease have been reported to the CDC since the shots were rolled out in the US.
  • The COVID shots are resulting in children being infected due to being exposed to SARS CoV2 spike proteins released (shedded) by vaccinated parents.
  • The shots can cause autoimmune disease and the FDA knew before the shots were rolled out.

Bryan’s Ebook On This Topic

I was not able to locate some of the data that he quotes in the video interview above and so went to his website and downloaded his free Ebook. The book contains links to various websites that he says display the documents and data he is referencing. However, I was not able to find the text he was referencing on these sites. It is possible that the various government and science sites updated their pages since he wrote the book and so the data is no longer visible.

This is a quote from his book:

Now for COVID

CDC website directs patients and doctors to NIH Website for protocol for treating COVID Patients.
Here is the link to the CDC website.

Click under “Management” section see the link to NIH site.

Scroll down to “clinical management and treatment” and also “severe disease”, click link
directing you to NIH guidelines.

NIH issues Protocol to Hospitals, on how to treat COVID patients.

Please take a moment to read the Remdesivir protocol on NIH site.


Do you know what the side effects of this NIH recommended?

This investigational drug, which is also confirmed to NOT be FDA approved for any medical

Read the Remdesivir Drug Overview
Read the Remdesivir Side Effects

Please read the 3 summaries under the warning section, 3 Chinese produced findings from
clinical experiences in CHINA on COVID patients.

Please read the 3rd paragraph under the WARNING BOX on this page quoted below...

I quote:
Cohort of 53 hospitalized patients in manufacturer's compassionate-use program:

Adverse effects:

  1. Increased hepatic enzymes (evidence of liver damage)
  2. Diarrhea (body rejecting it), rash (body trying to sweat out drug or allergic reaction to
  3. Renal impairment (kidneys are shutting down)
  4. Hypotension (fatally low blood pressure), reported in 60% of patients.

Serious adverse effects:

  1. Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (“more than one” organ failure)
  2. Septic shock (life threatening)
  3. Acute kidney injury (kidneys fail, body retains water, lungs fill with fluid causing pulmonary edema (lungs filling with fluid) being misdiagnosed as pneumonia, patients drown to death)
  4. Hypotension (fatal low blood pressure)) reported in 23% of patients in the study.

Drug discontinued: because of adverse effects in 8% of patients. (people who had too
severe side effects to continue the drug trial with Remdesivir.

Memorize this number, 8%, In this Chinese group 8% of COVID patients had such severe side effects to the drug, that the doctors STOPPPED the REMDESIVIR treatment to not make them sicker or kill them. Now check out this stat. As of June 20,2020, according to worldmeter.com, 7% of all treated patients in America are dying in hospitals. That number is awfully close to this 8% being poisoned by Remdesivir in the Cohort study quoted above, from drugs.com.

Ironic, I think NOT.

The FDA Slide He Mentions On Adverse Reactions

Dr. Ardis claims that the FDA produced a presentation that includes a slide which states that they knew in advance that the COVID19 shots would result in serious adverse reactions.

Having searched for this document, I appear to have found it in the notes from a meeting on the FDA site here.

On page 17 is listed a variety of diseases that the FDA planned to monitor based on previous experience with vaccines, understanding of COVID19 and other factors:

FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines :
DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes
Subject to change
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Transverse myelitis
Narcolepsy and cataplexy
Acute myocardial infarction
Autoimmune disease
Pregnancy and birth outcomes
Other acute demyelinating diseases
Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Venous thromboembolism
Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain
Kawasaki disease
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
in Children
Vaccine enhanced disease

While it is reasonable to think that such a prediction of diseases to monitor would be produced in advance of the vaccine rollout, it is perhaps suspect that they would predict the exact problems that so many have faced from the COVID19 vaccines without them already knowing how serious the risks might be due to the way the vaccines work.

The designations of 'Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
in Children' is included, which is a new category of disease associated only with COVID19. However, this meeting took place after this disease had been identified and so it is not surprising that it was included in this list.

I think the most that can be said about this list is that it contains a very serious list of possible outcomes due to vaccination and, indeed, plenty of them have been caused by COVID19 shots. This was not adequately amplified and conveyed by government and media coverage to insure informed consent was present in the experiment with COVID19 shots.


While various studies have been published which claim that Remdesivir is safe it is worth nothing that there is significant criticism of their methodology and reporting. Additionally, it has been identified that employees of the Giliad corporation that sells Remdesivir were working closely with the NIH.

At the time that Remdesivir was authorised, we can see that only 3 studies were mentioned by the NIH as relevant. Two of these studies showed no benefit from Remdesivir and one showed minor benefit but was not peer reviewed (Note: That 100% of the time I show a study which is not peer reviewed and it highlights a problem with vaccines, the pro vaccine supporters will immediately jump on it saying that it isn't peer reviewed so it is irrelevant. None the less, this was the ONLY evidence provided by NIH in early 2020 for the use of Remdesivir!).

This Gilead study on Remdesivir for COVID19 shows improvement in COVID patients following the use of Remdesivir and does not mention adverse reactions at all! I personally do not trust 'studies' put out by manufacturers for their own products, since (as many top level researchers and doctors will tell you) these amount to little more than marketing for their products and commonly skew the truth in their economic favour.

This appears to be the results of the trial for Remdesivir that is being referred to which lists serious adverse reactions such as kidney failure and septic shock. The percentages of serious adverse events listed are shown as being between 21.5% and 42.89% depending on the way that Remdesivir was used. Acute Kidney injury is listed as occuring in between 1% and 5.92% of COVID19 patients treated with remdesivir, again depending on the way it was used.

I am not able to see some of the figures he quotes, such as 22% of patients suffering multiple organ failure. This figure is simply not in the results. He then quotes that a high percentage of patients suffered septic shock, multiple organ failure and hypotension. This figure could possible be reached if we add together all of these cases (and they only apply to one particular form of delivery of the drug) - however, the way he has presented the data is somewhat mislead in my opinion.

I did find the following quote in an update to the safety profile of Remdesivir on the NIH website:

Although there was no evidence of remdesivir-related nephrotoxicity in Phase I clinical studies, dose-dependent kidney injury and/or reduced function was detected in the repeated dose toxicity studies of remdesivir in animals, which correlated with histopathology findings of renal tubular atrophy, basophilia and casts [3]. Grein et al. reported renal impairments, acute kidney injury and hematuria in 8 %, 6 % and 4 % of the remdesivir recipients, respectively [2]. A COVID-19 patient, who was treated by our team in Wuhan in March 2020, suffered from acute renal failure after using remdesivir. This case was also reported in a RCT in China [6]. Therefore, it is important to monitor kidney function during remdesivir treatment, particularly for those with pre-existing renal impairments or those receiving combination therapies with other nephrotoxins.

His comments about the side effects of the shots seem to be a mixture of accurate and questionable.


Emergency Authorisation Use of the COVID19 shots relies on there being no viable alternative treatments available. In other words if non 'vaccine' drugs treat COVID19 then they must be used instead of vaccinations. Since there are HUGE profits to be made by selling massive amounts of 'virus updates' to the world in the form of booster shots for SARS CoV2, it is essential that due diligence is done when assessing the veracity of claims made about the efficacy and safety of these experimental shots.

Contrary to lies told by certain parties, the COVID19 shots are not fully safety tested - the trials are ongoing until 2023. The testing was 'sped up', which translates to 'safety steps were skipped'. This means that shot recipients ARE the experiment. With this in mind, any alternative treatment is important.

The focus on Remdesivir by US government, while excluding other treatments (which are now gradually receiving more acceptance globally) is important because it could very well be the case that those invested in vaccine research and patents took deliberate steps to limit the effectiveness of non vaccine treatments for their on personal gain or for other related reasons. The promotion of Remdesivir, knowing it was not particularly great, opens the door to push vaccines later on.

I feel that given the seriousness of the claims being made here, this Doctor needs to pay closer attention to his referencing of documents and citation of facts and figures. If his claims are accurate then we all need to know, but it is not possible at this time for me to confirm the accuracy of his main point about Remdesivir.

Do you have any any comments or links to share on this topic? Leave them in the comments below, thanks!

Further reading on this topic: https://greatmountainpublishing.com/2021/08/07/doctor-reveals-that-remdesivir-was-the-real-cause-for-many-alleged-covid-19-maladies/

Full Video

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