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My introduction to the Hive community šŸ‘€

The demons in my head started an altercation recently. Fiercely debating, whether I should have an introductory post. The discourse finally settled on the decision of introducing at least some of myself as a "newbee" here in the Hive, rather than postponing. šŸ„³

What's the big deal about introducing yourself you may ask?

I will tell you!

Let me first say hello to all Hiveians. Regardless of which platform or frontend you reside in.

I salute you! šŸ‘‹

Now to the issue at hand regarding my intro dilemma:

I've always hated the lights. Preventively defusing any situation that would compromise my stealth. Weaving my webs behind the scenes šŸ•ø, in the gloomy corners of the virtual abyss, away from any prying eyes. Waiting patiently for the unwitting, to lure and devour their soul.

"Don't ever let them see you coming."
~John Milton (The devil's advocate)

Muahahaha! šŸ˜ˆ

Free Stock Image Source & Edited by me using Picsart app.

Just kidding!šŸ˜ I'm not THAT evil... šŸ˜‡

On a more serious note:

I felt that getting presented through my activity and interactions would be a better route to take instead of a mere dull verbal introduction.
Furthermore, I come from a place torn by all kinds of war atrocities. A devastated country on the moon

Most people tend to have some preconceived cognitions. Courtesy of media's propaganda.
An issue I usually avoid, merely by omitting that fact until they get to know me.
Something I had to disclose upfront, In hopes of clarifying my deviation from a standard introduction.

While I'm not that young anymore (My late 30s) and have lived prewar mostly. Its profound impact is undeniable and life-altering.

Talking about my personal life without the sorrows is hard. Hence, avoiding such a morbid subject is a necessity.

Not that I will refrain from talking about it in future posts. But frankly, I don't feel an introductory post is the right place for death and harsh realities. I'd rather stick to life, its beauty, and its persistence for now.



THAT, in a nutshell, concludes the reasoning behind my introductory disinclination.


How I got here:

Since the beginnings of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain, I was an enthusiast.
Though I tried, I couldn't get involved in mining due to the intermittent and prolonged power outages.
So, I couldn't manage to become a crypto millionaire, not even a "thousandaire".


A memory from 2016 šŸ‘†. Talk about the cons of centralization. Pardon the pun!

Look at those prices! šŸ˜¢

I heard about Steemit long ago, eagerly tried registering an account, but to no avail.
A few years later, about a week ago, I tried again and was successful.
Something didn't feel right over there, however. The general atmosphere seemed like zombie land.

Researched Hive, its unique and high-quality content. Got educated about the unfortunate historical story that had happened and the evolution of Hive.

Without packing any bags, I set my sail to Hive on that same day.

And here I am!

Glad to be part of this vibrant community. Hopefully will be around for a long time, adding value wherever I can.

Made a couple of mistakes already:

  1. Not having this introductory before my first post.
  2. Depleting my newbie's RC.

Thank you macchiata from OCD for the advice!


Thank you all for reading! šŸ’Æ

Appreciate all the support and/or feedback. Any criticism, opinion, or advice is welcome!


Until next time! šŸ™‹ā€ā™‚ļø

PS. Apologies if I don't respond quickly. Pretty limited with the RC. Had to wait 5 days so I can post those 600 words

All images courtesy of @yaziris
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