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The Colours of Nature

I just thought about my black n white challenge posting last night. And about this beautiful rose.
Why should I take the colour out of her? Feels little bit like beeing a vampire.


Of course black n white pictures look very good and stylish. But life is never black or white. Life is so much more.

Look at nature and all these amazing colours! Mixed up without thinking about rules. Sometimes there are colours you never could imagine they could be well composed. But, and that's the secret of nature, in the end all is possible and everything's perfekt.

Pink with orange an red. More then thousends of shades of green. Coulorful paradies.

It's always the same. Only those little thoughts and well learned believes in our heads seperate us from so many possible things.

So. Will I continue posting black n white pictures? Maybe. Don't know. Probably yes.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring?

For the moment there's simply this big wish in my heart, showing you this beauty in its smooth and wonderful natural colour.

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