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Empire of Everlasting War

Corporate MS media just love war! And as every love is blind, they tend to forget to tell you about the other side of war…

Remember how they have announced the defeat of ISIS? But who cares? Like it was the true motive. Let's see a few facts on Syria:

United States and it's “allies” are holding under illegal occupation 28% of Syrian territory, which encompasses more than 50% of oil wells of that country. They do have an unusual knack for “liberation” of oil rich territories, don't they?

“The Persian Gulf, the critical oil and natural gas-producing region that we fought so many wars to try and protect our economy from the adverse impact of losing that supply or having it available only at very high prices.”
— John Bolton, George W. Bush’s ambassador to the United Nations.

What else you do not get to know over corporate media? A simple fact that they shoot at anyone coming close to their “liberated“ oil wells. They have just conducted airstrikes against pro-government forces in Syria, killing more than 100 people. Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute, explains with Ed Schultz at “News with Ed”, subtle nuances between “illegal occupation” and “self-defense”.

Duration: 4:04


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