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OAN Confirms False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria

At last — an American journalist at the spot of the alleged “chemical attack” which was used as a justification for the bombing of Syria on April 14th 2018.

Unlike the big corporate media, One America News Network actually send a reporter, Pearson Sharp, in the war-torn town of Douma outside the capital of Damascus, looking for evidence of a chemical attack.

Now, you may have heard that OAN is “an upstart conservative cable news network with a penchant for rampant conspiracy disguised as genuine news”, but I didn't see a reporter from CNN or MSNBC or CBS or ABC or any other warmongering “owners of truth” on the spot of the event. First you can hear his report, stating that residents there deny the claims of an attack, and say it was staged to help the rebels escape…

Duration: 10:53

…and then check this list of the corporate media record:

1964 — They lied about Vietnam (The Gulf of Tonkin false flag incident)
1990 — They lied about Iraq
1999 — They lied about Yugoslavia
2001 — They lied about Afghanistan
2003 — They lied about Iraq
2008 — They lied about Georgia
2011 — They lied about Libya
2014 — They lied about Ukraine
2018 — They lied about Syria…

That's just the things I could scrap from my memory in a minute, you can add to this list anytime.


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