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CENSORED (AGAIN) BY FACEBOOK FOR SHARING A STEEMIT LINK -> Mother Jailed in USA for Non Vaccination Of Child.

Once again I have recorded my comments being deleted in realtime on Facebook. I previously shared a video of this happening under a FRIEND's comment thread (Who assured me that he did not delete the comment himself). Today it has occurred under a video showing a mother in the US being imprisoned for not having her child vaccinated!

In this video I share the evidence and also expose the video of the court case.

Posts mentioned in this video:

Original post about vaccine safety that was censored on FB: @ura-soul/the-irrefutable-arguement-against-vaccine-safety-i-require-you-to-respond-to-the-points-made-here-before-i-will-listen-to-you

Whistleblower case of deaths from forced (at gunpoint) administration of (incorrect) vaccines in Africa:

NOTE: I originally uploaded this to DTube, but the upload produced no working video.. The links for Dtube are below, but I have replaced the video with a Youtube upload in this post.

▶️ DTube
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