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photo of cow crossing the road

hello all hive friends, I was sitting in a coffee shop in the Lhokseumawe city area, namely in the Bandar Sakti sub-district, so I was waiting for a friend at a shop called the RC coffee shop, and I saw through the bull crossing the road going home the bull, when I I need to be sitting in the stall on the road passing by an ox I want a photo that looks like the Aceh BPD bank, which is close to the cleaning service office next to the civil service police PPP office, this is the only photo I took of this bull crossing the road including the city in Lhokseumawe, maybe in The city has made a rule that you can't let go because sometimes the owner of the loose ox doesn't know, so the road to the city cross road is also in Lhokseumawe, Banda Sakti sub-district, Java village.






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