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How To Join LeoFinance and Create Your Hive Account


As part of my training series/onboarding I'm working on I figured this would be the best spot to include this information.
This training is done using BRAVE or Google Chrome and requires a Extension called Hive Keychain

IMPORTANT Always backup your keys in more than one secure place

  • Your hard drive
  • On a thumb drive
  • Write it down and put it in a safe
  • Engrave it into your arm - NAH joking
    But you get the idea. You're keys are what give you access to everything on your account including powering up your hive, logging into your account, interacting with your account and so much more.



Creating Your LeoFinance Account

Since many of you will be joining from my LeoFinance promotion here is how to join.

  1. Go To https://LeoFinance.io
  2. Click Get Started
  3. You have the option to join by creating a Hive Account, MetaMask or Twitter.

Let's select Sign up with Twitter for the easiest solution

  1. Input your account name in the box. This will be your username everyone knows you by.
    For example mine is @bitcoinflood so you can access my profile at @bitcoinflood
  2. Click the Yellow Register button
  3. On the popup click the blue Authorize App for LeoFinance
  4. You'll now be logged in! but you'll want to do a few more steps to be fully setup


Creating and Connecting your Hive Account

If you haven't done so already download the Hive Keychain from the chrome web store > Hive Keychain

Now that it's added follow these steps to connect Hive and Leo (This is a token cryptocurrency of the Hive blockchain)

  1. From your LeoFinance account click on your username in the top right and go to Wallet
  2. Make sure LEO is selected and click on the yellow key button to the right of Download Hive Blockchain Keys Click On confirm on the popup - This will trigger a txt file download for you which includes ALL of your keys. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT MAKE SURE TO BACK IT UP IN MULTIPUL SECURE PLACES

Now that you have your keys we will connect it into Hive Keychain
Hive Keychain

  1. Click on the plugin from your browser
    If you don't see it click on the puzzle like image and then select it there represented by the 1 tag in the image below

  2. Create your password and REMEMBER IT + write it down along with your keys from before
    From here it will ask you to setup using
    Use Keys/PWD
    Use Authorized Account
    Import Keys

In this case we will click on USE KEYS/PWD

  1. Here you will see Username and Private Key entries
  • Your Username is your LEOFINANCE username from the account you just created
  • Your Password is the last line of the document you download it will read as
    "password": "THIS IS THE PASSWORD AREA" Copy the numbers and letters within the " " and paste them into your private key on the Hive Keychain and click on Import Keys

Doing this now allows you to connect into Hive and other tokens, apps and so forth on the Hive network.


Other Things You Should Do

  1. Join The Daily LEO in the bottom left hand side by entering your primary email address. This is a great way to keep up to date with everything going on at Leo and read some rather awesome articles from others.

  2. Remember only financial, crypto, stocks and investing should be posted on LeoFinance and nothing else. If you wish to post about something else do so on your Hive Account at hive.blog which you can now login to with your Hive keychain

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