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Dr Goloborodko's latest COVID update


I have recently published a report by Dr Tina Goloborodko, an NYC physician treating COVID patients detailing her experience. Full report is linked below. The gist of it is that the disease is quite mild, the only people badly affected are those who are distinctly vulnerable and have multiple comorbidities, the vast majority of the population is not at risk. The same thing so many independent researchers have been saying for a long time. Doctors seem to be intimidated by the powers that be into silently going along with the fear "the sky is falling" sort of narrative that said powers wish us to believe in. So, once again, kudos to Dr Goloborodko for speaking out.

Today she published an update. What follows is a short discussion between her and yours truly regarding that update. Read it, do your own research, draw your own conclusions.

Tina Goloborodko
Update- the unvaccinated immunocompromised 74 yo got discharged yesterday after a few days on oxygen. All the others are getting better as well.

Boris Epstein
So all in all, out of dozens of COVID patients you are caring for, some in pretty rough shape, sounds like none died in a number of days and all are on a positive trajectory?

Tina Goloborodko
One died who had pre-existing severe lung disease. Another died, but from terminal cancer, not from Covid. He was Covid positive, so for statistics purposes he will get counted as a Covid death. All the others are getting better.

Boris Epstein
That's unfortunate but terminal cancer is, well, terminal. And the person with the lung disease - that too is unfortunate but I guess there's only so much you can do in that case too.
But, correct me if I am wrong - didn't both of those deaths take place awhile ago?

Tina Goloborodko
yes. No new deaths since the post was written.

Boris Epstein
Got it.
And what is the total of COVID patients you are currently observing?
By the way, for any real life accounting it is important to note that, best I can tell, for every COVID patient you get to see there's at least 5 that got it but never needed to be hospitalized.

Tina Goloborodko
for every Covid patient I see there is at least 20 who got it and never needed to be hospitalized according to the current cdc stats. For every official Covid case there are a bunch who got tested with at home tests and didn’t make it to the stats, so the real ratio is likely close to 1:200 or so (I’m obviously speculating). And also for every Covid positive patient admitted with Covid symptoms there are three Covid positive patients without sx, admitted for other problems.
I finished Covid service yesterday. Over two weeks on my service and covering another Covid service over the weekend I saw about 60 Covid positive patients.

Boris Epstein
OK, so based on the data above, if we were to run a quick estimate, erring on the side of overcounting, here's what we get.
You had 2 patients die out of 60. That is ~3.3% which for the sake of erring in the right direction and for the sake of convenience we will round up to 4%. Using the CDC stats (20:1 light symptoms/need of hospitalization) we got 0.2% CFR. Which is the CFR of seasonal influenza.
Now, of course, the above is gross overcounting but it should still convince anyone minimally willing to plug in their brain and think that the panic we are supposed to be in is baseless.

Tina Goloborodko

Boris Epstein
And I'd say any reasonable coroner would at least exclude the terminal cancer case from that count in which case you get high estimate of 0.1%.


Report from the COVID frontlines
@borepstein , 23 January 2022

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