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Random Midnight Thoughts


Every night I make a to-do list to remind myself what to do or not to do the next day. One of my bad habits is that I keep piling up things and later I forget about them. Even though that list is getting failed, tasks keep hanging on that list day after day. Here I am sitting idle and just wasting my time on silly things, things that hardly matter, things that bring no fruitful results. Got any solutions? What do you do to keep yourself engaged mostly in the productive things?

"Don't touch it, you will burn your hand."
"Mom, How hot is this iron? It's not burning my clothes then it shouldn't burn my hands too."
"You will get hurt, stay away from this."

Even after her explaining so much I am that restless kid who will find a way to touch it at least for a millisecond, just to see how it's working.

And the moment I put my hand on the iron that my mom plugged in, preparing to iron my clothes just gave me a gentle kiss in response to my touch and I was done. Ran away to the nearest water tap while shouting.

That's me, in the broader picture it's us. Our curiosity for forbidden things never ends. Even now, I can't refrain myself from the things that are forbidden, that I shouldn't do for my own betterment, waiting on the lines clueless where I shouldn't step in or cross. Everyday I start to fight myself standing near that line just to keep me away from crossing that, no way to taste what's on the other side, they aren't good that's what all matters. Why does this craving of crossing forbidden lines don't go away from me? Why do I always end up knocking on the door of my patience?

You are walking, you need to cross the road and suddenly you see a car coming towards you which is not slowing down, at these moments you need to make an instant decision. Whether to move ahead, back, or just keep standing, the quickest move and the action from the opposite will bring out a result.

Whenever I make such an instant decision, they turn out to be a bad one. Just a few hours ago, I made one, which turned out to be a very cheap move from my end, no one anticipated but I did realize it. Why can't I take an instant decision that might be wise in the long run too? Does the same shit happen to you too?

So here I am, eating my midnight snacks. Yeah, I get hungry often at these hours, feeling like I will need to have a painkiller too for the headache which is killing me. Gotta go, take care.

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