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In the garden: Trouble in my terrace garden paradise – holey moley, natural pesticide and garden update

As I am working with mother nature, I know that things will not always be hunky-dory. I checked on my Brassica (cabbage) patch and saw that something was more eager than I am, to munch on the cabbage and pak soi. The leaves looked holey.

I decided to apply a little McKensian thinking on my cabbage patch.

The situation
2 cabbages looked like this
and the pak soi (bok soi) looked like this.

The complication
Caterpillars are feasting on the plants creating holes in the leaves.
The solution
Apply a pesticide to kill the caterpillars.

The Investigation and Analysis
First things first – I went on a little expedition. Armed in my gloves, my investigative eyes and my small trowel. I found this perfectly camouflaged green caterpillar.

I checked underneath the irregular looking leaves to determine whether eggs were laid waiting for hatching or if a caterpillar was waiting to feast. I had seen a small white moth butterfly and knew there would be trouble in paradise. They are particularly dangerous for pak soi plants.

Butterflies and moths are necessary for pollination of other plants. However their larvae, known as caterpillar, love to eat all varieties of cabbage. Unfortunately some varieties attack the heart of the cabbage, like this one did. By the time a butterfly is seen, the damage is already done.

The “real” solution - organic homemade pesticide

To ensure that I will at some point reap the fruits of my labour, I made this garlic spray.

Garlic spray
• 500 ml water
• 2-3 cloves of garlic (depends on size)
• 1 small onion
• 1 teaspoon cayennepeper
• 1 tablespoon mild soap


-Place the garlic and onion with the water in a blender and blend until smooth. Alternatively, crush the garlic and onion and place it in a jar and allow to steep for 1-2 days.
-Strain the liquid with a sieve to remove the sediments.
-Place the liquid in a spray bottle and add the cayenne pepper and soap.
-Shake well.
The garlic spray is ready for usage.

After removing the caterpillars from the cabbage – thoroughly spray the entire front and back of the leaves.

The organic pesticide was effective. The harvest of pak soi was bountiful and delicious. The spicy pesticide did not cause the plants to taste peppery.

For the cabbage – time will tell as it grows.

Table garden update
As it’s been raining cats and dogs, suddenly the plants grew exponentially and snails came out to play. I found this little creature
but luckily there does not seem to be more snails at the moment. I will vigilantly check daily.

Anyway, it was time to harvest again from my table garden and containers.
Various types of lettuce, snow peas, sugar snaps, arugula and strawberries and turnips.

The sugar snaps and snow peas are plentiful and the lettuce just keeps giving their lovely leaves daily.
I replanted pak soi, added red beets and coriander in the empty areas of the table garden.

Soon I will remove the Lollo Bionds and the Lollo Rosso lettuce, to make room for the pumpkin and courgette (zucchini) in a few days. Also the spinach will soon bloom. I am enjoying the last leaves before they become bitter and less tasty..
The beautiful spinach plant is about to bloom

The recently planted strawberries already have some flowers. I pick strawberries daily already but soon there will be more for everyone.


Rain or shine - my garden needs both. I am really enjoying watching the miracle of growth in my little balcony paradise.

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