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A Tale Of Two Pizzas: The Second Pizza

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"Eureka! I have It!" exclaimed Chef Charlie.

"What is it Sir? Is everything alright?" asked Leo, his most promising young apprentice.

"Better than ever! I have come up with a pizza which will meet every criteria. It's delicious, and will contrast nicely with the very meaty Supreme. And best of all, no exotic ingredients are needed!!!"

"What will it be?" asked Leo, curious.

"A Vegetarian pizza! It's versatile enough that we can offer a whole different taste experience each time, while still being consistent. I don't know why I didn't think of it before!"

"This is genius!" Leo said happily.

Barry stopped sobbing, and looked up with tear-filled eyes to see his master, The Oil Baron, glaring at him.

" You're in luck, I've decided you are still useful - for now... How do you like your new accommodations?"

"Please, let me go back to my room? I will serve you faithfully, and follow your instructions exactly."

"Are you uncomfortable here, Barry?"

"Yes Sir, it's cold and my wrists are bleeding." said Barry, trying to look as pitiful as possible.

"Very well, I will have you moved into the supply closet by the boiler. You will be plenty warm there." said the Oil Baron with an evil grin.

"Sir! Please, you know I have claustrophobia!" he said, sobbing.

"It's your choice, here or the supply closet! I might let you have your old room back, after you complete your first mission.

"Oh, thank you Sir! What may I do to serve you?"

"You won't be serving me anything. You will be serving your former master the information I want him to have. My father always told me, known spies are worth their weight in gold."

"A very good plan, Sir!" said Barry, trying to show enthusiasm that he just didn't feel.

"OTTO! Get in here NOW !!!" Bellowed the Pizza Baron.

"How can I help, Sir - uh, Danny?"

"I have some great news!" laughed Danny Rupert, who had deliberately scared his right hand man. Revenge for that stupid anchovy idea!

"Uh... Wonderful to hear! I love good news. May I ask what it is?"

"We have our second pizza, and it's perfect! Chef Charlie has decided to revive the much loved Vegetarian pizza!"

"That sounds mouth watering! What toppings did he select?"

"That's the beauty of this pizza, Otto! Each batch will be a new and exciting culinary experience. Not to mention, if we run short of something we can improvise. Just considering the more common ingredients, there are many possible combinations. Add in something special, should we find it, and it's a sure hit!"

"Yes Sir, I know exactly what is expected." whimpered Barry. He didn't need to act, he truly was miserable.

"Good. One false move, and you will be praying for your home in the cellar! Do as you have been told, and you will be sleeping in your own bed tonight. Oh make no mistake, you will have a lock and a guard. But you will be comfortable and well fed."

"I have to get a message about what's really going on to our informant somehow. And I have to get out of here!" thought poor Barry. He had idolized the Pizza Baron ever since Danny had scoured the continent for experts to help with his father's dementia. He couldn't betray him, but Barry also had no intention of dying in a cold, dark cellar. Or worse, he thought, shivering.

Chelsea, Mrs. Preda's trusted assistant, was stationed in the hidden nook across from the Preda's locked suite. If anyone tried the door she would know. Mr. Preda himself was in Barry's bedroom. Barry was stationed in the living room of his old room, which was actually a nice sized apartment.

Knock. Knock knock knock. Knock.

"Come in, Wes. We need to talk."

"Do you have news?" asked a young man in a tattered outfit covered in dirt, ash, flour, and other ingredients.

"Yes Wes, big news that needs to be delivered immediately. Mr. and Mrs. Preda are planning a feast of their own. A feast of the finest BBQ meat available, complete with the long lost sauces! They are even going to serve various types of chili, and hot dogs!"

Knowing that Mr. Preda was watching every move, Barry took his chance. Taking the note stealthily from his sleeve he tucked it into Wes's collar as he clapped him on the shoulder. "Good luck, Wes. I sense a storm coming. Don't take too long."

Wes was Barry's only hope of survival unless he could find a way to escape. He had written down a brief summary of everything that happened on a handkerchief, using his own blood for ink. And the phrase " I sense a storm coming" was code for both him and Wes being compromised. Wes would not be coming back.

"Well done, Barry. You have earned the privilege of sleeping in your own bed. For now..." said the Baron coldly as he emerged from the bedroom.

Barry had to fight the urge to sigh with relief. Instead he just lowered his eyes, and made submissive gestures. The Baron liked making people cower, which made hiding real emotions much easier.

"Thank you Sir, I will earn your trust back! I am so sorry I ever lied to you!" he said, truly miserable.

"I'll bet you're sorry! Sorry you got caught!" muttered the Oil Baron.

**This is a 100% power up post

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