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Here's to the first of many - Introduction to Hive


If there is one thing I love aside from my kids and the moon, it's storytelling. I used to join essay writing competitions back in high school and college. I knew I had this passion for writing and there was even a point in my life where I was convinced that I wanted to be a journalist but sometimes when you think you got it all figured out LIFE takes you on a rollercoaster detour full of the unexpected and so here I am - almost thirty, independent and proud Single Mom who is striving to rediscover the things that I love and the ones that I am passionate about.


I'm Jessa, my friends and people I grew up with calls me Bambam. Wanna know why?

If you're a fan of fireworks, I bet one of your fave holidays is the New Year. I was born on January 1, 1993, just an hour after the clock striked 12. I could just imagine the sky lighting up and people celebrating while my Mom is shouting in the labor room, I bet it was a party indeed. 😅 It was my Mom's OB who came up with my nickname - hence Bambam.
And just like those fireworks, I grew up to be bold and loud. I'm an ambivert, a risk taker, and an adventure seeker. I'm spontaneous and sometimes impulsive but in a positive way (I hope). I love the outdoors, I enjoy hiking and just being with nature. I love being out and having fun in the sun.

I'm from Guiuan, Eastern Samar, a place not only known for super typhoons but also for its pristine white sand beaches and its surfing gem - Calicoan Island, But currently I'm living in Cebu City for almost 5 years now - working in the corporate world at night and a full-time Raketera and Super Mom by day.

I am a Mother and also a bread-winner of my family. My father passed away years ago and being the eldest I took over the responsibility of taking care and providing for my family. I started investing in cryptocurrency in the midst of the pandemic. I opened up a trading account and learned the basics. My current partner is a Day Trader who continues to support and mentor me up till now. So when I found out about hive, I was eager to check it out cause I'm sure this will be the future of blogging and social media and I wanted to be there as it happens and at the same time share my passion about writing.

Hive was introduced to me by my dear Ate @explorewithsasha. One of the most generous and genuine people I know, she was one of the few who helped me when I first moved to Cebu but let's save that one for another storytime.

And there you have it, thank you for checking out my introduction. I'm excited to be part of this community and I'm looking forward to sharing my stories and adventures with you, I hope we get to inspire and learn from each other.
Can't wait to read your stories too! Let me know what you think in the comments section.

Jessa Is a single mother, fearless and an adventurer. An ambivert, nature enthusiast and above all a loving person. She does everything to protect her children and work hard for their future. She doesn't give up and is a certified raketera.

If you can relate to my passion, feel free to comment, follow and upvote my content.
If you want to get to know me and reach out outside of this platform, feel free to check out my other social media accounts.


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